<p>That is because Asians are too busy designing the technology used by everyone...and buying up all of the land. </p>
<p>Word on the street here in Silicon Valley is that if Asians can't own the land, they won't build on or remodel property. They will actually shut down a thriving business if they can't own the land under it.</p>
<p>Or maybe people who are deciding who gets on tv are biased and not choosing asians, so we don't see them on tv and movies. Maybe it's not that they don't want to be famous, but that they know the industry will make it impossible for them.</p>
<p>There are Asians who are pop stars, rock stars, actors, media whores who are successful in Japan, China, South Korea, etc. </p>
<p>In the US though, I think the lack of representation of Asians is due to more than just staying "low key". I think it has to do with images and stereotypes. I think it is hard for some people or audiences to see individuals outside of the box that stereotypes have created for various groups. Some of the representations of Asians have been centered around the math geek, the asexual nerd, the dork, the exotic Asian plaything (women), the martial artist...really stereotypical images. For a modern example think of William Hung from American Idol. Still, I think some advances have been made with movies such as Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle and Better Luck Tomorrow which actually portrayed Asians as identifiable main characters whom audiences could relate with.</p>
<p>Many asians who come to America come here because it is the land of opportunity. Their cultural values and parents usually push them towards education rather than "throwing the dice" towards fame.</p>
<p>I know some asian friends here who say their parents would disown them if they dropped out of college to go and pursue an acting/modeling career. </p>
<p>Fame is always a risk and white/african americans are more likely to take that risk. Many asians came here to reap the opportunity that America offers and are less likely to take such risks. </p>
<p>Watch American Idol and look at the hundreds of kids who drop all schoolwork and activities to go and camp outside the line to audition for American Idol. These "asian" kids that I describe will be heavily criticized if they tried something like this. Not to mention many of them would see it as a pipe dream, not because of racism, but because of the huge risks involved.</p>
<p>Obviously this is not the case for all asians (white-washed) but many old-fashioned asians follow this cultural ideology.</p>
<p>so true! i have many asain friends and im arabic and i really experience that, i play guitar and i play like 3 hours a day bt would never stop school or join a band because my parents would kill me</p>
<p>ok gemstar. the fact that u said "didnt see that coming did u?" means that u feed into the stereotype as well. just bcuz youre into dorky white guys doesnt mean that youre soooo different from all the other black girls so u didnt have to add that last sentence. everyone is just a lil stereotypical</p>
<p>stereotypes arent just made up. stereotypes have some truth in them. they have to or else they wont exist. no one woke up and was like 'u kno what?.........all black people are ghetto" NO. truthfully. most black people are ghetto. and i dont mean live in the ghetto. ghetto isnt where u live. ghetto isnt how u talk. ghetto is your attitude. ghetto is a state of mind. some white people are ghetto. and numbers wise. there are more poor white people than blacks.</p>
<p>as for white guys datin black women for sexual reasons only...thats wack. i thought the sterotype was white girls are the sluts............hm.</p>
<p>i think alot of minorities are obssessed with looking more white. there is racism within the black race. we think light skinned people are alwayz prettier. we perm our hair. we call each other black instead of darkskinned. as if black is an insult. aisan people dye their hair blonde and tape their ****ing eyelids just so they can have a fold. or worse. they have cosmetic surgery. theres also skin lightening procedures that is popular in aisa and india. what is this world coming to??</p>
<p>i seriously think alot of yall are...............stupid. like. comeon. yall get on here going 'im white but i like hip hop!! im black but i like system of a down!!"</p>
<p>that just means you think youre doing something out of the norm. and if you think youre doing something out of the norm then u believe in the norm. and subconciously you believe in the *<strong><em>ing stereotype. so give me a *</em></strong>ing break.</p>
stereotypes arent just made up. stereotypes have some truth in them. they have to or else they wont exist. no one woke up and was like 'u kno what?.........all black people are ghetto" NO. truthfully. most black people are ghetto. and i dont mean live in the ghetto. ghetto isnt where u live. ghetto isnt how u talk. ghetto is your attitude. ghetto is a state of mind. some white people are ghetto. and numbers wise. there are more poor white people than blacks.
<p>So if stereotypes have some truth in them, where does the stereotype end and where does the truth begin? Still, saying that they have some truth in them doesn't make much sense to me...either it is true or it isn't. I don't deny people have them, but to say they are based in some truth only leads me to believe that people want to hold on to them and justify their ridiculous generalizations. </p>
as for white guys datin black women for sexual reasons only...thats wack. i thought the sterotype was white girls are the sluts............hm.
<p>It's stupid because it is a generalization. That is the whole point.</p>
i think alot of minorities are obssessed with looking more white. there is racism within the black race. we think light skinned people are alwayz prettier. we perm our hair. we call each other black instead of darkskinned. as if black is an insult. aisan people dye their hair blonde and tape their ****ing eyelids just so they can have a fold. or worse. they have cosmetic surgery. theres also skin lightening procedures that is popular in aisa and india. what is this world coming to??
<p>The idea that skin complexion determines someones worth is called colorism. I don't think lighter complexioned people are prettier. Ugly is as ugly does... Some are tied down to Eurocentric beauty ideals and can never see anything except through those ideals, but I think if someone is pretty then they are pretty regardless of complexion. Still, I really have to say that popular culture has put emphasis on straight hair/light skin as the ideal hence the self-hatred and the relaxers used by a great amount of black girls/women to achieve that ideal.I am not saying allgirls/women who use relaxers are self-haters, but I question some of the motivations for using relaxers...</p>
<p>I really dont think that stereotypes have any truth to them at all. As far as blacks are concerned weve always been thought of as unintelligent compared to our white counterparts. This stems from the fact that blacks were (at one time) not allowed to be educated merely because you were black and based on nothing else. You of course have people who perpetutate that reasoning. There werent very many blacks or minorities for that matter in AP or Honors courses at my highschool. I was the only black person in all of the AP and Honors courses I took thorough out highschool and I find that to be really sad. As a culture and a community African - Americans dont seem to value education as much as other cultures i.e. Asians.</p>
<p>I agree and I think that Asian Americans don't seem to value the entertainment and athletic field as much as other races. If they did, perhaps they wouldn't have stereotypes forced on them and their men would be seen as less wimpy.</p>