Rd- 2013

<p>DisneyDad - I hope you’re right. I did read in several places that law school applications are really starting to drop off (especially at second-tier institutions) and some schools may have to close. The whold higher education bubble has to pop at some point. I feel like my kids are entering this world at the worst possible time. Maybe by the time my youngest (who is 6) gets there, we’ll have more on-line, less expensive options.</p>

<p>GCMom415 - thanks for your insight. This is our first time and you’re right about all the forms! The CSS profile is obnoxious. I swear, I thought one of the questions was going to be: “Please lift all of your couch cushions and retrieve the change found there - enter this amount.” For us it will really come down to money. I think my son has picked pretty comparable schools with Williams being his “reach.” If by some miracle he does get accepted there, they do have really good aid. Right now Hillsdale is his first choice and with the scholarship they’ve offered and because they are about $20K cheaper than most private schools (they don’t accept federal funding) we can afford it. I think my daughter, who is a junior will likely get some good merit aid. One, she’s a girl interested in STEM, two, her SATs are quite good (1540/1600, 2240/2400) and her GPA is stellar. She’s worked really hard so it will be interesting to see what happens with her. My next oldest is in 8th grade right now, so we’ll have a bit of a reprieve. Thank goodness!</p>

<p>My husband is an alum and we’re waiting for RD for our son–this is his first choice. When I called admissions a few weeks ago, I was told letters would be MAILED OUT on March 1 (I asked her twice, to be clear). But it looks like in previous years they were mailed prior, and timed to begin arriving on the 1st. Does anyone know if this is true this year or not? There’s an update from admissions on the Geneseo 2017 Facebook page from this morning, saying “Acceptance letters coming soon!” – which leads me to wonder if they were mailed today!</p>

<p>On the website admissions page the little video says in our mailboxes March 1. I hope this is true. I cant take another day of this.</p>

<p>Anyone know how many applications they received?</p>

<p>I wonder…good question.</p>

<p>Thanks, GCmom–I never bothered to play that video until you pointed it out! I’m guessing, then, that they mailed them out yesterday. Good luck, everyone!</p>

<p>Good Luck to you too mosama!</p>

<p>Its March 1…</p>

<p>Did anybody get their letter?!</p>

<p>I called and they said mid-to-late next week!!! Aargh!</p>

<p>My son’s envelope was big and contained an offer of admission to Geneseo’s Class of 2017. I guess my husband’s submission of a cartoon bunny drawing for a parent statement did not deter the Admissions Committee. Good luck to all. Over 10000 applications for 925 spots.</p>

<p>The letter is dated March 1, 2013. The postmark is 2/28/13. We live within 45 minutes of the college.</p>

<p>Skiermom, congrats to your son!!!</p>

<p>Congrats Skiermom…thats great news !!</p>

<p>Anyone else receive anything in the mail? I just got the mail and no letter or anything from Geneseo.</p>

<p>Our mail comes late. We are in the NYC area. Skiermom, did your letter arrive this morning, or in yesterday’s mail?</p>

<p>I just checked the mail, I didn’t get anything :/</p>

<p>Nothing in our mail, either, and we’re also about 45 mins away.</p>

<p>Nothing on Long Island NY</p>

<p>Mail just came, nothing here.</p>

<p>Weh, I’m glad not many of us got it today. Maybe tomorrow if we are close to Geneseo (but farther than 45mins!) ?</p>