Who Else Is Applying RD?

<p>Two weeks until the deadline, and seeing how many (comparatively) posts were made for those accepted EA, I'm hoping there's some more CCers who've discovered L&C. Remember people, they have a really easy supplement, but it every character still deserves as much attention as you gave to more popular colleges (that probably don't have a forest on campus).</p>

<p>I applied RD like a month ago.</p>

<p>My D applied to 8 schools within 1 - 7 hours drive of our home in PA. Two weeks ago in doing further research she found L&C so she applied there. I am very torn - it looks like a great school and has many things she is looking for in a school - but it will be hard for me to see her go so far home! We certainly let her apply but she will need to receive some merit aid or take add'l loans if this is the school she wants to attend.</p>

<p>Just the opposite, from Pac NW applying to all those small LA colleges in PA. My friends have all receives great merit awards from L&C. Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm going to send in my app in a few days.</p>

<p>I'm applying too (and I love the forest)</p>

<p>i'm applying too. i visited, and it was a nice school.</p>

<p>I've applied as well.</p>

<p>I, too, applied.</p>

<p>hey guys, i just got an email that told me i got in. here it is:</p>

Welcome to Lewis & Clark!
Dear Andrea,</p>

<p>We know you have been waiting anxiously for a thick envelope to arrive by mail. We promise that your admission packet is on its way, but we couldn't wait to welcome you to Lewis & Clark! You have been admitted for Fall 2008. In our strong application pool this year you stood out as among the best! You can expect to find scholarship information in your admissions packet. Congratulations!</p>

<p>While you await the arrival of your admissions packet, take a few minutes to check out Inside L&C, our website created exclusively for admitted students. Inside L&C has great information about life at Lewis & Clark, as well as what you'll find in your admissions packet. We invite you to pop in and check it out:
Admitted Student Open House</p>

<p>This program, offered only to admitted students, allows you an opportunity to experience life at Lewis & Clark and meet your fellow admitted students. Sign up now to visit us on April 12!
The Conversation
Get on the message boards and get to know your fellow admitted students - What kind of music do they like? Have they visited L&C? What's life like in their hometowns?</p>

<p>To log in to Inside L&C, just go here:
And enter your Lewis & Clark ID number: --------</p>

<p>To help you make your decision about whether Lewis & Clark is the right place for you the site is packed full with profiles of students and faculty, info about living and learning at L&C, campus visit options, local trivia, and lots of links to fascinating places on campus and around town. We hope to see you at Lewis & Clark next fall!
-The L&C Admissions Crew


<p>so it looks like letters are on their way. good luck, everyone!</p>