RD Decisions 2016

I got waitlisted!


@cchoping Patience bro, maybe the people who got accepted are busy celebrating (they deserve it - can’t emphasise that enough).

rejected after being deferred EA. 34 ACT, 3.8 GPA… was surprised I initially got deferred but after seeing everyone else who did expected the rejection. they had a great applicant pool this year! congrats to everyone admitted!

Rejected! Thanks for everyone else who posted; misery loves company.

deferred on EA, rejected RD. Oh well.

Rejected after being deferred! Good job to @NEF2016 for getting at least Waitlisted! :slight_smile:

@NEF2016 Hang in there!

“congrats to everyone who got in,” says everyone to no one who got in

(but if you see this and you actually did get in, then real congrats to you!)

Created an account to post, but… I got in! I was deffered EA. they do have a suuper low admission rate

My son did get in. I am actually surprised, as he was deferred ED at Bowdoin. If it helps, his stats included a 36 ACT and 2310 SAT, 4.5 weighted, good EC’s, and an unusual story (from special education to top of his class at high performing public high school). He also visited, interviewed at CC and at his high school. Sorry to all who didn’t get in, I know it must hurt. My son was really upset when he was deferred at Bowdoin as he went all out to get in.

I was waitlisted too. I feel like that is an accomplishment by itself at this point lol but congrats to anyone who gets in!

If anyone is interested in taking a quick poll. please click ‘like’ on this post if you/child were/was denied admission and also had financial need. Click ‘helpful’ if denied but didn’t have need. (would’ve asked admitted folks but there are so few. maybe they can comment.

I was accepted! I only applied RD, but my status as a Colorado student may have helped.

My daughter was admitted. She did not apply for financial aid.

My daughter was also admitted EA. Did not apply for financial aid. Loves Colorado College. Great fit!

i was accepted RD, i did apply for aid and a lot of it. But i have not yet received my package.

Rejected RD. International student and asked for a substantial financial aid.blI thought that with my scores well above average, decent ECs and very stron leadership I would get, but oh well… Any international applicants who got in?

Baboon345623, did you receive any scholarship money? I understand notification of any scholarship money comes with the admission decision.

yeah i got over half in grant.