<p>So which one do you prefer for the best prep for the apush exam? I've heard equally good things about both but i wanted to know what you guys think. thanks!</p>
<p>I recommend AMSCO to learn the info and REA for the practice tests.... Honestly, both of them are really good books.</p>
<p>It seems that on CC AMSCO is more popular. You'll get a great prep with either book.</p>
<p>we use AMSCO</p>
<p>I've heard that REA's tests are a bit "weird." Well, I say some practice is better than nothing.</p>
<p>I guess both are fine, but I have AMSCO and it's great! Lots of detail, no superficial material</p>
<p>AMSCO by a long shot. Don't waste your time with REA!</p>