Really SAT/ACT optional?

<p>Is Bates truly SAT/ACT optional? There seems to be so much discussion here about submitting scores. If a student does not submit scores will it hurt their chances?</p>

<p>If your scores are great,like 2200+, definitely sumbit, that’ will help you.
If you scores are above average, submit them too. Maybe they won’t help you,but won’t hurt your chance as well.
If they are too bad,like a 1700 on SAT, you 'd better not.That’ll only hurt your chance.try to work on the essays,you have a chance too.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that everyone will be doing the thing that Aussenseiter said above.
So every score submitted will be all high, because no one will submit low scores. If you decide to submit an average score - it may make you look bad among all the stellar ones.</p>

<p>what is considered an average score for Bates? I got a 2090. CR-700. M-680. W-710. i was planning on sending my scores, but now i’m not so sure.</p>

<p>what is considered an average ACT?</p>

<p>Bates would probably prefer you not submit lower than their average scores as that would bring down their average for reporting. While they don’t care much about that, they know that those applying and their parents sometimes do. If you can submit something instead of scores-an award winning essay, a film you made, a CD of your music, something that makes you stand out, do that.</p>

<p>sorry, but what is the average SAT?</p>

<p>Check College Board, Princeton Review, or Fiske and see what they are reporting for Bates students. You can probably find that online. I remember a range of Low 600’s to low 700’s on each, so average is around 650 on each part?</p>