Recap of New York Reception

<p>If I missed any of you last night, I apologize…boy, was it was packed. I saw the waiters bringing in extra chairs so people wouldn’t have to stand. It was exciting to see such a huge turnout!! I did get to chat with some of my CC group mates and met plenty of prospective parents and students.</p>

<p>As always, the beverages and food was plentiful…love those little “tasting” desserts. The hotel where the event is held is a landmark and they have recently been renovating because of new management, so it is quite lovely.</p>

<p>I grabbed several of the new brochures (I hadn’t seen these yet). My husband and I (along with the recruiters and other staff) helped to greet the parents/prospective students and answered many questions both before and after the event (from our parent viewpoint, of course). They were the usual questions that concern parents -Housing, Honors College, Transportation, Shopping (girls), Football (guys), Restaurants, Campus size, Need for a car, Scholarships. These topics were not necessarily in that order.</p>

<p>We had a parent speaker who did a great job, and a wonderfully engaging young lady who spoke from a student’s prospective and represented the university well. Kudos to these two, it is a hard job to give that speech.</p>

<p>To top off the evening we had Dean Karr as our primary speaker and he was great. I have never had the privilege of hearing him speak and I was excited by his enthusiasm for the university. He has a good delivery that keeps you at attention while enumerating the many unique qualities of the University of Alabama. I really enjoyed his speech. All the speeches were moderate in length.</p>

<p>There were several staff members of Bama scattered around the room to answer questions afterwards. There was no official question and answer period. I haven’t seen that done in the last several years.</p>

<p>I would expect that some NY’ers have already made their decisions as I saw some “houndstooth” in the audience. I also met many Juniors which indicates to me that word is getting out.</p>

<p>Surprisingly, I only had one question about the “adjustment” from the Northeast to the South. I think that hearing the statistic of 62% Out of State Students in the freshman class helps negate that question.</p>

<p>If you were there, I would love to see any additional comments or questions.
Oh yes, we ended the evening with a very hearty “Roll Tide”</p>

<p>Robotbldmom, First let me say what a pleasure it was meeting you. I know I can speak for many of the parents and students who were there last night when I say, thank you (and your husband, of course) for being so gracious and sharing so much information and your own experiences with us. What a warm southern welcome and from fellow New Yorkers :slight_smile: Your son is a great example of how much Bama has to offer if you work hard and get yourself out there. We are impressed… Regarding the reception, I don’t know where to start. First, as you already pointed out Robot, the venue was beautiful, the food display was beautiful (and delicious) and most importantly, the representatives of the school (including parents like you) made fish out of water like us feel welcome, wanted and informed. All the speakers were excellent, and incredibly, covered almost every topic on our list plus more. Our son was excited, impressed and anxious to visit the campus. H and I share his enthusiasm. Thank you to Bama for welcoming us so graciously, taking the time and making the effort to educate us and, of course, thank you Robot. Roll Tide.
P.S. Son loved the tee shirt!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for sharing! This just makes us even more excited to attend the reception in Philly tomorrow night. I sure hope I get to meet some CC friends there! :)</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama, if you have business cards you world be comfortable sharing with people you meet at the reception, make sure you take some with you. You can write the CC link on the back ahead of time. Many parents will not be familiar with CC. If no cards, make a few pieces of paper with your contact info and the CC link. Other parents will be very appreciative!</p>

<p>lucky&blue: Thanks for that response, it just made my day. I read it to my husband (not a CC’er) and he said "It was great meeting you as well!). We really appreciate the feedback as we have been doing this for years, and LOVE hearing that parents truly welcome learning about Bama from other parents. It makes the effort worthwhile…I hope to continue doing this in the future. It is our way of appreciating the special place that The University of Alabama has become for our family.</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama: Have a Bama Blast!!</p>

<p>Any questions from the peanut gallery about the reception?</p>

<p>I was there, and I don’t think robot (good to see you again) really conveyed how awesome Dr. Karr’s speech was. I’m sure UA moved to the top of many lists in the audience.</p>

<p>After the speeches, I met with Greg Wagner. He was the local recruiter when DS was looking, and now he is director of development for the honors college. Basically his job is to build relationships with companies around the country, ultimately to hire UA students. He asked how DS was and what he was planning for next year. We said he was looking for internships, but nothing landed yet. Greg told us he just met with some big companies looking for interns in DS’ major, and DS should send his resume to Greg tomorrow. We’ll see where this leads, but I’m already impressed.</p>

<p>Class2012Mom - Good idea! Will do!</p>

<p>Robotbldmom - Thanks! I am sure we will. :)</p>

<p>Chardo: Yes, awesome…great word for Dr. Karr’s speech!</p>

<p>I wish that Northeast Ohio would have a reception. They sound wonderful.</p>

<p>I am so glad to hear that this event had such a great turnout. We went on a lark when our daughter was a senior. (She is a freshman at UA now). We live in Mineola so we live quite close to the venue and it was such an amazing experience, our dd knew immediately that this was the university for her and we felt the same way! It was the best decision we could have made. She is so happy there and doing so well in school. We firmly believe that UA is destined for great things.</p>

<p>Dean Karr is an excellent speaker. I got to hear him speak to high school kids at a luncheon at the end of a SITE week. Instead of speaking from a podium, he walked to the middle of the room, without notes, and gave a very inspirational talk. </p>

<p>I got to talk to him afterwards and he’s very down to earth. You can tell that he’s really student-focused.</p>

<p>Chardo, I’m glad to hear that Greg Wagner has this new position.</p>

<p>Chardo…good luck to your son with the internship opps.</p>

<p>Is he also applying to REUs? He really should. Those are excellent opportunities and great to have on a resume.</p>