Received Post Card: "Student Life at Maryland"

<p>Has anybody else received a postcard from UMD about "Student Life at Maryland?"</p>

<p>yea, i don’t think it is anything special</p>

<p>DiN009: How long ago did you get the postcard?</p>

<p>todays mail</p>

<p>seriously, its not that special</p>

<p>If you applied to UMD and were not going to be accepted, I doubt if they would send this card, so maybe…it IS special lol.</p>

<p>I also got this post card. At first I was really hyped because I figured why would they send a postcard about student life after we already applied. Than I just told myself to stop reading into it and accept it for what it was. In my opinion, it’s generic and sent to all applicants. I would be very happy to be proven wrong in this case though.</p>

<p>anyone who visited/requested info/applied/all that stuff gets put on a mailing list. It’s nothing big</p>

<p>I totally realize about the mailing list. However, the point is that at this time, shortly before decisions are released, I think that they would not waste their money sending cards to everyone on the big list, but rather to those whom are likely or are going to be accepted.</p>

<p>My son also got that, but i do think it is from a list of anyone that toured/ reqested information. We also would like to think the other, that it was sent only to accepted students.</p>

<p>they might as well just sent the accepted letter then lol. Everyone got them</p>

<p>DiN009: You say that “everyone” got them? I’m just wondering how you know that “everyone” got them?</p>

<p>D got the postcard, but I immediately sent it to recycling with the rest of the junk mail. I liked the Xmas card email they sent more. But I don’t think it has any significance.</p>

<p>all my friends who applied to maryland (i live in NY) got them, even the ones I know won’t get in. Stop reading too much into it</p>

<p>excuse me DiN009</p>

<p>I did not receive one.
So not EVERYONE.</p>

<p>well then its obvious your not important/special whatsoever</p>

<p>Actually, we got two postcards, one meant for someone else…I confess I put both into recycling, so maybe we got yours!</p>

<p>DiN009: You certainly are a nasty little boy, now aren’t you?</p>

<p>well honestly, its a postcard, unless there is a hologram message on it that says accepted on it, it doesn’t matter</p>

<p>haha thanks Muffy333
I appreciate the optimism</p>