Recommended Hours for First Semester

<p>How many hours are recommended for a Freshman’s first semester???</p>

<p>Well, it depends. Are you coming in with any AP credits? What is your major?</p>

<p>Fall semester is an adjustment time, so I would say around 15 credits…and make sure those are balanced in difficulty…some hard, some lighter. You don’t want to overload yourself.</p>

<p>No AP credits. Major…Pre-criminal justice.</p>

<p>Ok…so, you’re going to be taking things like…</p>

<p>Frosh Comp English
maybe a US history class
CJ class
maybe a foreign language</p>

<p>does this sound about right? (just doing this off the top of my head, so don’t think it’s authoritatiive…lol)</p>

<p>Yes…and Math 112 (assigned)…maybe biology. Does that sound right?</p>


<p>Math 112
Biology for non majors (I’m guessing)
Frosh Comp
CJ class</p>

<p>Is that 16 or 17 credits?</p>

<p>Not sure, but that is about what I have decided to try. I have Bama Bound on Monday. Do you think less people will be there since it is Memorial Day?</p>

<p>my daughter is an incoming freshman majoring in english, wanting to go to law school in the future, and is honors college. we were thinking about the following schedule
UH155 judicial procedure</p>

<p>and maybe a PSY course?
will the UH155 course count towards credits she needs for her major?</p>

<p>also, she’s going to Alabama Action</p>

<p>Pblack, your BB is on Memorial Day? I thought the next session started on Tuesday.</p>

<p>Here is a link to the dates: [Dates</a> - Bama Bound Orientation - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Dates”></p>

<p>Looks like the next Bama Bound begins on Tuesday May 29th.</p>

<p>After I posted last night, I went back to that page and saw that if you scroll down there are some additional dates. Looks like the OP is going to a Freshman Express on Memorial Day, and then starting summer school?</p>

<p>^^^^Thanks for pointing that out!</p>