Recruitment questions

<p>Alright, I have a few questions about recruitment. I’m from Ohio and I’m planning on applying to University of Alabama. I graduate in 2015 so I am a junior right now. I’m wondering if for recruitment (assuming I get in) being OOS will hurt me. I also was wondering if current girls in a sorority can write recommendations. I know a girl at Ole Miss from my hometown & a few girls in sororities in Ohio. Would they be okay to write recs? My Mom is also an NFL cheerleader for the Bengals and I’m sure some of her fellow cheerleaders were (or are) in sororities. Would it hurt to ask them? I know I’m asking about this really early considering I’m just now ending my junior year, but I want to get all my ducks in a row so to speak. I would rather prepare early than at the last minute. I am really wanting to keep my eyes open to all the sororities. I want to find the sorority that is right for me. I see a lot of people posting about ‘old row’ sororities, I’m not looking for that. I want to maximize my options and find a sorority with a strong sisterhood. Also, any tips for recruitment will help! Thanks! </p>

<p>FYI, approx 60% of the freshman class is OOS; I have heard that being OOS is not an issue with most sororties at UA. Good luck! I’m sure you will get lots of good tips via CC!</p>

<p>Thank you for your prompt reply Amy! I am glad to hear that there is a large OOS population. </p>

<p>I can’t help w/ recruitment issues…but couldn’t resist the urge to say “welcome to CC!” What is your major?</p>

<p>I take college classes now, and after my senior year I should have alittle over 40 credit hours done! So I’m planning on double majoring in business and political science. Maybe even a Spanish minor! I also am debating heading to law school after that… I like to think ahead. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Welcome to the UA forum on CC! Female OOS students can and do pledge sororities. Being OOS is not an issue. What’s important is having good grades, a good resume, and good recommendations. Other posters on CC are extremely knowledgeable about this subject, but the general consensus seems to be to have 2 recommendation letters for each sorority, preferably from women who know you personally. </p>

<p>Apply to and consider all sororities; don’t listen to “tent talk” about the reputation of each sorority. Do attend preview if you can and definitely plan for rush, understanding that UA has very strict rules concerning how PNMs can interact with active members.</p>

<p>Good luck and Roll Tide! </p>

<p>Thanks for your reply SEA_tide, do you know how preview usually works? Ive read a little bit about it but I’m still not sure exactly when/what it is.</p>

<p>Hey! I just went to preview a month ago (I’m a high school senior) so maybe I can help.
It’s only one day. You dress cute but casual, depending on the weather that could mean a dress or jeans. You visit each house for only 10-15 minutes with a rho chi group based on the first letter of your last name. In some houses, they may show videos or pictures of events, but most of them just had us talk to an active or two. It’s a little hectic, and it’s practice for them as much as it is for us (the freshman have never been on the other side of recruitment before). Basically, it just gives you an idea of how the first two days of recruitment will work, and lets the sororities know you before you come in the fall (recs do this too). It’s helpful, but not necessary. People have successful recruitments without going as long as they are prepared in other aspects (recs, grades, etc). Message me if you have any more questions! </p>

<p>Welcome, and Roll Tide!
OOS is NOT a concern, but being a college junior or senior is a MAJOR concern. Most of the sororities are looking for women who will be there all 4 or at least 3 years. There is an upperclassman quota, meaning a sorority can take X number of upperclassmen without it counting against the “main” or freshman quota. But that number is usually well under 10 - usually around 4 or 5 - and sororities are not required to take upperclassmen. Some take no upperclassmen.</p>

<p>Do you have spectacular grades? That would make you stand out. Something really super about your other accomplishments or abilities? That would also make you noticeable. </p>

<p>Now…it would not hurt to go through recruitment. It’s a great way to meet a slew of people! But you will need to be open to any sorority…remain calm when on 12 party day you get 3 or 4 invitations instead of 12…and disregard all gossip about which sororities are the “good” and “bad.” All the sororities have outstanding women, all will offer pretty much the same opportunities and experiences. And they’re big, so you should be able to find a group within who are soul mates.</p>

<p>Recs - it’s best of find alumnae to write your recs. Some sororities will not accept them from current students, either on Alabama or other campuses. Keep asking - in Cincinnati you should be able to find alums for every sorority! </p>

<p>Good sources for info: (read every word!),, and, written by a Greek alumna whose daughter is a UA student and who frequents this board!</p>

<p>Also, are you planning to enter this fall? If so, you have missed preview day. No worries, though, it’s not a requirement and not going will not affect your recruitment.</p>

<p>@Southlander, thanks for your reply! Although I think I might not have worded my post correctly! I am a high school junior taking college classes through a program at my school. I graduate high school in 2015 :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>@almostlimitless Wow thank you for your reply! Now I definitely want to take the time for recruitment! </p>

<p>I think you will be just fine! My daughter will be going through recruitment, but we didn’t know anything about it until February. You are way ahead! Read the stickies at the top of the Bama page. There are several sorority threads. </p>

<p>@3kidsinhs‌ Alright thank you :)</p>

<p>Oh good, borog2015, you’re ahead of the game. Grades are no. 1, so throw everything into making the best grades you can! Polish and add to your extracurriculars, talents, interests, etc. It’s not a bad idea to talk to the girls you know who are in college now. They can tell you how things work on their campus. And plan to attend the Panhellenic Preview Weekend during your graduation year if you possibly can. Good luck! </p>