Regretting Going to my College

i’ve been at my college for 5 days now and idk if its right for me. i didnt really make any consistent friends while i everyone including my roommate and other freshmans are making them so quickly. also, i feel uncomfortable because i am asian which only a small number of freshman (like 2%) are asian and rest is either black or white. i feel like i dont belong and everyone is just being nice as an obligation. also, since it is a christian school, we have to take a lot of religious classes ( i am also christian) but it is a little over whelming because we have to complete service hours and go to conventions that are mandatory related to our class. i just feel it is too much for freshman year. in addition, i am very emotional and very close to my family so i feel depressed and sad when im alone and also get homesick super often. i just want to go home and see my parents,siblings, friends but theyre in a different state so i just get more sad. at this point, i want to transfer to a closer school to my home because i dont think i can study, focus and thrive in my situation/environment. any advice for this.
btw i know its only been 5 days but i just worry about my future if it is in fact how i described this school to be.

Go to the counseling center on campus, and talk with them about your homesickness. They are expert at helping students adjust, and can help you decide if this is just normal adaptation, or if it is more than that. While you are there, find out if you can get your money back if you leave now. Sometimes that is the best action.

I agree with the happymomof1 on this one lol. This happens to everyone, the thing to remember is that it is okay to have these feelings! It is understandable that you feel the way you do, but think positive and talk to a counselor!

Focus on and worry about today. You talk about your future and if this school is the right fit. The truth is, it’s too soon to say so don’t waste your energy thinking about that.

Homesickness is real and it is very painful but it does get better over time and with some effort. It may seem like everyone else is making friends easily but they too are navigating this new environment. Just keep being friendly, smile, and engage with people and at some point, friendships will be made. Use the community service as an opportunity to meet people, be involved, and feel good about helping others. Create a schedule/routine and stick to it. Classes - study - fun time (do you go to the gym, go for walks, read for pleasure, watch a movie) - eat and get enough sleep.

You have been there 5 days. You may not realize it but so many other student feel exactly as you do. Hang in there.

LLY I messaged you.

Thank you everyone :slight_smile:

I would challenge your perception that everyone is being nice out of a sense of obligation! Try to accept friendliness at face value. Five days is not long, and sure, while some people maybe really bonded immediately, most friendships and relationships will take more time to develop. It sounds like people are reaching out to you. Try to reciprocate or at least engage with a smile. You are not “behind.” Hang in there!