Regular Decision/Deferred Decision

Do you think we will start to hear about regular decisions this Friday?

In my mind, I was thinking maybe the following Friday 3/24, but you never know…

I was thinking the 31st!

@63659699 Hoping we don’t have to wait until the 31st!
It can take like 4 days to release the decisions, so I don’t think they will wait until the 31st to start.

I am still hopeful for next Friday 3/24. There is some speculation on another thread here that they could start releasing decisions Wed 3/22, based on the fact that second round decisions were released on Wed the 23rd last year.

This waiting is so hard!

I can barely wait! The anticipation is killing me! All I can do is think about whether or not I have been accepted!

I was sadly denied-- I had really good letters of rec and extracurricular too

Denied at Vassar. I just wanted to make sure. My son still hasn’t heard anything.

Got waitlisted yesterday when should i expect to get the final decision?

D got waitlisted too, whatever she was looking at-email or portal-said she would hear by June.

MY son also was denied…oh well! On to the choices of schools where he DID get accepted!