UW Class of 2023- Regular Decisions

Comment any updates.

Does anybody know when decisions come out?

Would love to hear someone have updates but I’m going to guess no one will hear anything until the end of March. My guess is March 22nd…another month.

Does anyone know how spring recess (March 16-24) could effect decisions being sent, would they send them out the Friday before their break or could it delay everything until March 29th. Or maybe admissions is open during this time?

Does UW have a waitlist? or do they only accept and reject?

@bleedorangebaby Based on previous years, they will waitlist some of the RD decisions.

Spring recess is for the students/teaching not the other aspects of any university. Nothing would get done if only class session times were worked.

When does financial aid come out

anybody here back yet?

Haven’t heard anything yet for my son. My guess is March 15th. Not 100% sure where I came up with that date now, but I think it was from looking back at previous years’ postings on here. The waiting feels like it’s taking forever though! Good luck!

Last year, the regular admission decisions came out on March 16th. Hopefully it is that soon this year!

So March 16th then?

Any updates?

Should expect to hear from them between 15- 22 March…

do we think there is a chance it is released this friday?

i really hope so, i think UW is my top but it’s very unlikely that i’ll be admitted

Does anyone else have the extra box in their portal? I now have five boxes once I get into my student center.

what does the fifth box say? are you talking about the boxes on the side bar? also has there always been a box that lists your advisers?

@mvoigt. Yes, five boxes. Went through this in ED - people started asking about five boxes a few days (weeks?) before decisions were released.

What side