<p>My husband recently lost his job at Motorola after 18 years. It's been a very stressful, uncertain time in our house and the possibility of having to relocate to find a job is extremely likely. Our oldest son is a freshman at a conservatory type school in Philadelphia. He is a kid who loves the city, his program, and is not emotionally tied to the small town he grew up in. So he will be fine no matter what (unless of course, another job can't be found, and he needs to leave school.)</p>
<p>We also have a son who is a senior in high school. He is a kid who wants (needs) to attend a smaller LAC nearer to his "home." He is accepted at Ripon College, most likely accepted at St. Olaf, accepted at a state university, and waiting to hear from Grinnell. It breaks my heart to think of leaving him here in the Midwest (when he thought he would be close to home) while we move who knows where. Possibilities are Texas, Washington state, east coast, etc. </p>
<p>If a relocation happens in the next few months, is it too late to apply at schools near our (possible) new home? If he transfers at semester or after 1st year, are there still scholarship opportunities for sophomore transfers? He has very nice scholarships already awarded. </p>
<p>Does anyone else have experience with this?</p>
<p>I am sorry to hear about your situation. I believe if your son attends an LAC in the area where he grew up, he will be fine staying put. Even at the university though the LACs tend to be welcoming communities. Most likely, the angst you feel is your own and I can totally understand it. My son is in the midwest and has been for almost 4 years and I see him twice a year. It has been great for him to develop his interests in his own space. It was hard on me but in the end,it has been good. I wouldn’t worry too much except to take care of yourself and your husband and do what you have to do. And if your younger one wants to transfer down the line, he can take care of it. My best to you.</p>
<p>It’s not too late to start scouring – some good schools have regular admissions deadlines in early to mid March.</p>
<p>Scholarships are much harder to get when transferring. Some schools are very transfer-friendly and give generous aid to transfer students, but most schools are not.</p>
<p>My advice is to let your son choose what school he wants to go to, and gauge his interest in staying put or transferring closer to home after a year. He may decide that it’s okay for him to stay at one of his chosen schools because the Midwest is “home” for him even if you guys are far away, and that his environment is nurturing enough that he will stay.</p>
<p>We moved one week prior to my daughter leaving for college. She was devastated that she “wouldn’t have a home anymore” and Christmas was a bit weird for her BUT…she now is looking forward to returning to college next Fall, home is where the heart is for her and she is so forward thinking I don’t think she minds one bit.</p>