rescind admssion?

<p>Hello guys, I was accepted as a transfer student and I am all registered for my classes. I was studying abroad this spring and a few days ago I received my grades from a school in England. I received 2 C's a B and an A+. I am worried UW-Madison will rescind my admission. Do you think i should be fine? Spring semester GPA in England was 2.75, a little higher if you take into account the "+" on the A. My fall semester GPA was 3.71. So I had a huge drop.
One of the reasons for this is that in England, university is 3 years long because they are more specialized there. If your a Geology major all you take is Geology courses. So when I was taking Geology and Geography I was taking it with students who all had a full semester of knowledge about the subject. My geology course was part 2 of a full year course so right from the beginning I was a bit behind on the material.</p>

<p>I saw on the Facebook transfer group this kid said one of his international friends got rejected for getting under a 3.0.</p>

<p>Also many people were saying that on their admission letter it was indicated what GPA they had to at least earn. On my admission letter that is left blank. It only states to maintain current course enrollment and grades.</p>

<p>A little background on me:
CGPA: 3.41
Out of state
In Banner program
Finance Major</p>

<p>Do you guys think I should be worried? What should I do, should I write them a letter?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time.</p>

<p>I think you’ll be OK. You at most might get a little letter of concern. UW does cancel admissions very often at all.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, I hope im ok like you said. I am so excited to go to school there and getting my admission canceled would suck.</p>

<p>Yep, you’ll be fine. I think you would have to fail some things or get several D’s for them to even think about rescinding you.</p>