Residence Halls?

To current Geneseo students

So I was recently accepted to Geneseo and I am really looking forward to it. I have already decided that as a freshman i want to go in the corridor style halls. What i question is what is the best to stay in. I am a psych major.

Many want to stay in Onondaga because its an all freshman corridor but at the same time i feel like that will be the most hectic just because of that. What about the other halls such as Steuben and Livingston?

And can any one really describe what the Dante House in Wayne is?


Don’t live in Daga if you can avoid it; it’s loud, old, and just not that nice. It’s also on south side which is a very big walk from classes and off campus things.

Stuben and Livingston are very close to classes, but both are old and not very nice. Plus they’re mostly reserved for sophomores.

The nicest corridor style building is Monroe; the location is good, the building is VERY nice, and it has the nicest facilities.

Why do you want corridor though? I live in Seneca which is the newest dorm on campus and has 4 person style suites. It’s essentially corridor style in that our common rooms are really just small foyers that connect the two rooms, a bathroom, and a shower. I love being able to open my door and walk 2 feet to my suites private shower in just a towel though.

Despite the suite set up, we also have a really nice community in Seneca too… plus we have the biggest rooms out of every dorm on campus IIRC