Retake Sat in College?

<p>Hey guys well im going to a suny school in new york. im planning to transfer after 1 or maybe 2 years, however my sats suck, really suck.
i know that most school wouldnt look too much your scores, and that some of them wouldnt let take them after you start college.
im looking to top 20 schools in the country, do u guys know what school accept sat taken during college? thanks!!
PS: im well aware that top 20 schools admit few students each year, and that they are expensive, dont write about that.
Just so u guys know this is my second year in the US. 3.8 GPA no aps or honors. few ECs
Plan to do a lot more stuff in college including studying abroad </p>

<p>Thanks for everything guys!</p>

<p>From what I understand, SATs and high school grades will help if your college grades are are high but not a 4.0. Excelling at college is definitely the biggest factor though. Also, if you’ve been out of high school for a few years, previous scores affect decisions less. However, if you want to get into a top 20 school, like I’m also trying to do, you should think about A)taking honors courses, B)being really active in college and C)doing something innovative and outstanding, not simply volunteering or whatever. For instance, I’m working on two things, which are a brainwave program to create mental learning games, and also a North Korean documentary (I’m hoping to get permission to film there). Both of these are different and perhaps interesting, and also gives me a reason to apply for top school, considering that they have money for funding such things. So this gives me a compelling reason to attend and shows that I’m active and should show that I stand out. Besides that, honors courses just show that you go the extra distance to excel academically.</p>

<p>My sats and high school scores kinda suck, but I’ve a 3.9 for univ, so I hope I have a chance… Seriously though, try for top50 schools, since the likelihood of getting is is wayyy higher (Yale, Harvard, Duke, Chicago, just don’t accept many at all -Cornell, UPenn, Georgetown, Virginia tend to accept more transfers).</p>

<p>thanks, well im trying as hard as i can to get into the honors program at the state school im going to. i have a couple of awards from high school in sept i start college and i will get involved in everything i can, i also have a plan to develop a program in economics. </p>

<p>well can anyone post a list of school that will accept sats taken in college i will appreciate it very much.</p>

<p>i would study for the sat before college but my house is too loud and going to a library just isnt a possibility. thats why in college i wanna concentrate in the sat, so please if somebody knows of top schools that accept sats taken in college please post them</p>


<p>BUMP!!! Please</p>

<p>honestly (at least for me). I know for a fact that I’d do WORSE if i took it now. If u think u can recall all the algebra 2 and trig from HS, then take a shot.</p>