Review Admit Question

<p>What do you think a high school senior's chances are of being accepted to Texas A&M as a review admit if he was automatically accepted at Texas Tech? My child's first choice is A&M, but he did not meet the academic admit qualifications, missed it by little. However, he was accepted as an automatic admit to his second choice, Texas Tech. Do you think the chances are good?</p>

<p>Little relation. All that can be said is that Texas A&M’s review admit cut-off requirements overlap with Texas Tech’s automatic admit requirements (but you knew that). It says little or nothing about one’s admissiton prospects at A&M. The only fact is that the applicant has gotten above the review admit cut-off for A&M. Good luck on the applicant’s review at A&M!</p>

<p>what are your son’s stats?
SAT scores (math & reading)
class ranking
what major is he interested in?</p>

<p>Here are my son’s stats:

  • top quarter
  • SAT math score of 600
  • SAT cr score of 540 (it’s low and will be retaking)
  • Varsity and junior varsity baseball team all four years of high school
  • Volunteer work to include Meals on Wheels and Chevron Houston Marathon </p>

<p>He is majoring in Business but I’m wondering if he would have a better chance if he changed his major to General Studies. Thoughts?</p>

<p>He will be retaking the SAT in early November and has gotten 2 letters of recommendation that is in the mail now. TAMU representatives will be at his high school tomorrow and he has made an appointment to see them. We are also scheduled to meet with an admissions counselor later this month. I hope that everything we are doing shows interest. We’ve also taken an official campus tour.</p>

<p>Majors at A&M are first come first serve, so putting business major wont hurt his chances of gaining admission. But as a review admit, he probably wont get business anyway, as the spots will fill up with 10%ers and auto admits. But if he meets the admission criteria, but his major choices are full already, he’ll just be placed in general studies. There’s no need to list general studies on the app.</p>

<p>Visiting campus on official visit is very important to thoes who are not auto admits.
Have you been on an official campus visit? It is recorded an noted. Have you visited the 1st choice major college?
Be sure to make an appointment and visit the Prospective Student Center in your area. It will also be recorded, and it will give you a name to call for any question you might have.
Has your son been to any of the activities sponsored by A&M for High School Jr/Sr’s? These are also recorded.
All of these things show great interest in A&M, and increase your son’s acceptance chances.
I agree with Vyse, chances are not great for Mays, but be sure to put it as 1st choice major. Mays will not accept any that put it as 2nd choice. Architecture is the same way, and there are other colleges that will not accept applicants that list it as a 2nd choice.</p>

<p>Thanks again for all of your feedback!</p>

<p>Here are the things we have done so far to show interest:</p>

<li>took an official campus visit that included a campus tour and a residence hall tour</li>
<li>met with a TAMU rep at his high school when they were visiting his school, one-on-one meeting</li>
<li>have an appointment on Oct. 21 with an admissions counselor at the TAMU campus</li>
<li>after the appointment on Oct. 21, we will be visiting Mays </li>

<p>So we are doing everything we can to show interest.</p>

<p>klparker312, I always see you advising that the kids visit the Prospective Student Center, but what is it that would happen there? Assuming the kid has already visited campus I can’t really see the point in the PSC visit. Is there anything worthwhile besides another checkmark on the questionaire?</p>

<p>another checkmark on the application. It shows interest in A&M. A&M is interested in making admission offers to kids who want to be there.
It gives you another name to call for questions. It gives you another person at A&M admissions who wants you to get admitted.
they also have a scholarship person you can see there. We bought the texas tomorrow fund for our daughter when she 4. We basically had 4 years of her education paid for. We do not qualify for any financial aid due to income level… yet - by going to the prospective student center - she received $1000.00 ($500 per semester) just by visiting with them.
It is awesome and under used.
It could mean the difference in acceptance & rejection for a review admit student.
My daughter was a review admit - she was very close to automatic admission, but not quite - she applied the 1st of October and was admitted before Christmas.
I think it would be worth your time to make a stop by there.</p>

<p>@klparker312 what was your daughters stats if you don’t mind me asking? Rank? GPA? ACT or SAT scores? Was she really involved in extra curricular activities? I’m wanting to compare my stats, I just applied at the beginning of October… Thanks!</p>

<p>my daughter applied in '08 - she graduated in '09
She had a 28 on ACT
1260 on combined math & CR for SAT
she was top 12%
I can’t remember her gpa, sorry.
She graduated with the Texas Stars Program - Distinguished graduation, she had about 120 commmunity service hours.
She was in clubs & Honor Society- National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, science club, Student Council all 4 years in High School.
She was not in any sports, no band, no drill team, nothing like that
Things she was able to check off on TAMU Application:
She attended SLOT - offered by A&M for High School Jr’s
She went on official Campus Tour AND tour of Architecture College
She went to Prospective Student Center in Arlington
She applied to Aggieland Game Day - (but didn’t win the opportunity to go as names were drawn out of a hat.)
She attended Aggieland Saturday.
Both parents are TAMU former Students.</p>