REVIEW admits- decisions


<p>“yeah - i don’t getpost 44 either. how do they try to not ********* those who are auto admits?”</p>

<p>He’s saying they’re more restrictive on their auto-admits (8%), ostensibly reducing the number of people they HAVE to admit and allowing them to better tailor their incoming class to people they WANT to admit on whatever basis.</p>

<p>Congratulations iAV8Rboy and motivate!</p>

<p>My son was just ranked in 2nd quadrant for his class rank. if he would have been 1st quadrant he would have been an automatic admit. By reading this thread, it looks like class rank is extremely important and that we should plan to get PSA or Blinn. He is applying to the Liberal Arts College - Econ or Poly Sci major. Do you think we really have to wait until April to hear the decision?</p>

<p>Okay- I know I am being impatient here… but wonder if anyone can give me some insight. My daughter is a review admit. She went to step 3 on Sept. 24. She has tons of leadership, community service, organization experience… top half of class, 27 ACT, dual enrollment, AP classes. She has already been admitted to OSU. I want to know if we have to wait until April to know… only because then we are limiting scholarship choices, etc… we would rather know one way or the other whether she will be going to A&M or not. Anyone have any help?</p>

<p>TAMU is rolling admit. I had not heard that review admits had to wait until April. I would just call Admissions and ask if review admits are on rolling admissions and if they know how long the process usually takes. I would think 2-3 weeks after all documents show “processed”.</p>

<p>I get the impression from previous posts that if you are not in top 25% and have a high sat /act that you may be waiting awhile. We completed app on Sept 24, top 11.4 and act 28. still waiting anxiously! not sure how high act needs to be to get early admit. taking again and hoping for 30!</p>

<p>We visited TAMU today and unfortunately got the impression that if you are
not in the top quarter of your class then it’s pretty hard to get in. My son is taking honors classes, has a 3.6 gpa and is in the 2nd quarter of his class. He also goes to the most competitive HS in the district and might not be in top 10 at the other schools but at least top 25. Seems like class rank is their most important factor. Also said top 10 gets first choice of majors, followed by top 25 then review admits. He mentioned engineering and business were most popular majors and are a lot of times gone by the time they get to review admits :frowning: They did also talk about Blinn program and said you can do it in under 2 years. My son has taken dual history and English so he would be able to use 12 hours towards the 45 at Blinn. He really wants to get into A&M. He said with the PSA program there are only 60 majors to choose from which do not include engineering or business</p>

<p>HouFF10 - The Top 10% rule admits a large percentage of people that have no business being at A&M. Every week my D tells me about (fully admitted) A&M kids that are taking a remedial class, or failing a basic class, in need of constant tutoring, etc. </p>

<p>My D went to a small very competitive school that didn’t rank and TAMU ranked her 2nd quartile, prohibiting auto admit. She is in Blinn TEAM now and could be fully admitted to A&M after one year. (She will be one credit short of fully completing the TEAM program after applying all dual credit and this year’s classes - so she could take that one class in the summer session, but she likes the smaller class sizes at Blinn and currently wants to stay in the program). Blinn TEAM has been a blessing $-wise and D lives on TAMU campus, is in the Corps and considered an Aggie in every way.</p>

<p>Not sure if they told you about applying to TAMU Galveston. Much easier admissions and you can move to C Stat campus after one year. It isn’t a transfer, no application or anything, it is just a “change of curriculum” (paperwork). </p>

<p>To the others - my D was on Step 3 in Howdy for 5 months. Rolling admissions simply means they consider applications as they come in and inform those that are admitted, rather than waiting for the application period to end and then informing people. The majority of review admits will not hear anything until after the application deadline because the school is required to hold space open for all auto admits.</p>

<p>AggieMom16, so many people cite what you’re talking about - highly competitive high schools where you can graduate with a 3.9 unweighted and wind up in the 2nd quartile. That is such a shame. I am glad that your D is liking Blinn Team. The corp keeps calling for my daughter, but she’s worried about trying to balance corp with a mechanical engineering degree. I don’t think she’ll join, although she REALLY thinks the corp is very cool. She has friends that are in.</p>

<p>i think the corp is cool if you’re a guy. maybe not so much if you’re a girl.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply Aggiemom16!</p>

<p>My wife and I talked a little about galv campus but not sure if going that route limits the student on majors. I think through some of the programs they are limited. My wife and I are pretty overwhelmed right now. Our son is a sr and we should have been doing this stuff last year. He just did his first SAT and is waiting for scores. He is taking it again in Nov and taking act as well. We put him in prep classes so hopefully that will raise his test scores and
Offset being in 2nd quarter.</p>

<p>HouFF10, Galveston is supposed to be the easiest way into TAMU. I’m told it’s just a matter of changing your major into CS. Maybe you should contact one of the Prospective Student Centers and discuss with them.</p>

<p>Good luck to your son! I agree not much chance for 2nd quarter in CS, but maybe Blinn.</p>

<p>HouFF10 - FYI, whether it is Galveston or C Stat, the plain truth about the freshman year schedule is that they get last choice and they are taking mostly the basics. Every degree has to meet the core curriculum requirements, along with the degree specific classes. If you look at the degree plan for your son’s desired major, you can see what he will need to take, as well as what every degree track requires. Math, history/government, a science, English, and Kine are common 1st year classes, no matter the major. TAMUG advisors help plenty of kids plan for the goal to transfer to C Stat.</p>

<p>If there is a Prospective Student Center in your area, they can be very helpful.</p>

<p>two weeks and on step 5! so excited for my D. Review Admit, don’t know what major. assume we will find out from official letter?</p>

<p>sorry this may sound stupid but what are review candidates ?</p>

<p>Think the term is just referring to an applicant who is not automatically accepted (“auto admit,” as in top ten percent of graduating class), so that the application must be “reviewed” individually by admissions staff when they look at types of coursework completed, gpa, service and organizations, test scores, challenges, anything that would indicate that the student can handle coursework at the university s/he is applying to.</p>