REVIEW admits- decisions

<p>We still haven’t gotten a decision. And we’ve not received any notifications or emails from A&M regarding the timing or the process.</p>

<p>Has anybody else gotten the impression that A&M admissions weighs class rank much higher than most other schools in its peer group? My daughter has pretty good test scores adn very good extracurricular but since she is in a small class at a private school her class rank is between 25th percentile and 50th percentile. From A&M we are still stuck in the big wait while the other schools she applied to not only quickly accepted, but keep pushing academic scholarships and honors programs. I know admissions at A&M is more competitive than ever the last few years, but this review process seems way different than any other school that any of my other kids have applied to.</p>

<p>@aggieof84 UT Austin’s is even worse with the class rank thing.</p>

<p>The only thing that suprises me a little about the tu Austin comment is that they go out of their way to not even auto-admit all of the top 10% just so they can have more slots for “review admissions”. I assumed in those review admissions they increase the influence of the other things they want in their class (i.e. diversity, strength of academic background, talents in a speciality, etc.) My other daughter a couple of years ago was top 10% at a large in-state high school with very good test scores and got rejected there pretty quickly. I’m not sure who they do end up letting in, but they were apparently looking for something besides top 10% class rank and test scores. Good thing they were 3rd or 4th on her list anyway.</p>

<p>I am not from Texas, but isn’t it a requirement that all colleges have to take the top 10% except for UT who only has to take the top 8%?</p>

<p>wemel that is correct. I have a feeling that A&M will change in the future to the top 8% as well. I have heard that UT is considering going to the top 6% from GC at D’s school. The state legislature said no to the request the first time around.</p>

<p>Just thought I’d share - I sent an email to Admissions this morning asking about when they thought they would have all the Freshman admit decisions made. This is what they sent back:</p>

<p>All of the decisions have been made and will be released tomorrow afternoon through the AIS website. Letters will also be mailed to the address on file tomorrow.</p>

<p>Good luck to all those that are still waiting!</p>

<p>Maybe this time is for real since the people answering phones are saying the same thing this time.</p>

<p>yeah - i don’t getpost 44 either. how do they try to not ********* those who are auto admits?</p>

<p>yes i think a&m places the most emphasis on class rank. my daughter has better grades and test scores than lots of people she knows that got admitted (from other high schools). she goes to a very competitive high school and her 3.95 there doesn’t even get you near the top 25% of the class.</p>

<p>My son’s major changed during the night to Blinn Team. I’m assuming it will become “official” later today.</p>

<p>My son’s major didn’t change, but the option to change his major is gone. I don’t remember from previous posts what decision that preempts. BlinnTeam, Gateway, PSA, or full admittance :slight_smile: OF course I could just await the decision promised to us by this afternoon, but does anyone remember?</p>

<p>I would like to ask a question. If you had to rank options how would you? Blinn, PSA, Gateway. Which one does A&M look at more favorably or is there one? Just curious.</p>

<p>what do you mean? best of those is gateway. you go to summer school and if you meet requirements, you are in. if you can’t meet the requirements, then you don’t belong at a&m anyway.</p>

<p>the other two … psa is automatic admission after one year if you meet the requirements.
blinn you can transfer after a year, but it is not guaranteed.</p>

<p>But Blinn TEAM is the only one that allows a student to live like an Aggie from day one. They go to an NSC, can go to Fish Camp, join the Corp, live on the A&M campus, take classes at A&M and do just about every student activity except join a fraternity/sorority and NCAA sports. </p>

<p>I would rank the choices Gateway, Blinn TEAM, PSA. </p>

<p>All of these programs are transfer programs, so the student’s acceptance is based on the specific college. Several of the colleges specifically say that they prioritize transfer acceptance based on GPA and number of hours completed toward the intended major. I don’t think how the student got those hours matters.</p>

<p>My son got PSA. Good luck to everyone, wherever you attend college.</p>

<p>Son was notified…Blinn Team!!! OOS and reporting to the Corps! Best of luck to anyone still waiting!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son! My son is on the Blinn Team and will be in the Corps as well.</p>

<p>Can you Blinn teamers post stats? I’m trying to figure out if DS2 has a prayer for that next year.</p>

<p>My D is top half of her class, IB Diploma candidate, 95 GPA, 1320 SAT. Lots of service and leadership. By all accounts, this year was exceptional for number of applicants, so maybe it won’t be so competitive next year.</p>

<p>My D was top 40% at a private school with a 30 ACT score and lots of service and leadership. She was only offered PSA and is now very likely to be staying at Tarleton for all 4 years. If you would accept the PSA option I encourage you to apply to the school you would go to on PSA on your own. We did not look at those schools and apply until we finally got the PSA letter and by then numerous outstanding scholarships we could have gotten were no longer an option. The system schools are often very good options and can be a place where a student finds a home. They support the PSA students, but are also striving that they will enjoy the school so much they stay for 4 years.
I believe that A&M is weighing class rank very heavily in their admissions decisions compared to many other schools. If you are in a very competitive school where your percentile is below top 25% and your test scores are good but not amazing, you should be prepared to be offered either Blinn or PSA. Plan ahead on what action you would take on either of those options and keep your best options open. If there is any chance you would take the PSA option I would treat a system college as your “safe” college in the application process. BTW from the students I have seen that got Blinn and those that got PSA options I have not been able to figure out what was used to distinguish them. There are definitely PSA admits that I think have better credentials than some Blinn admits so if you fall in those groups it may be the roll of a dice on which offer you get.</p>