Rice Architecture

<p>My son wants to major in Architecture . But I heart Rice only accepts 25 people in Architecture. Can he apply two different schools in Rice ? Architecture and Engineering ? We live close to Rice and my wife is alumni of Rice. We hope he can go to Rice. Can anyone help ?</p>

<p>Yes Rice does only accept around 25 students to the architecture school (this year it was 24) and no at Rice you can only apply and be accepted to one school. good luck :)</p>

<p>It exceptionally hard to get into that program and i don’t think having your wife be an alumni helps much since the student has to be amazing. Your son will have better chance if he’s and exceptional student and stands out but i wish you luck since i am currently studying architecture not at Rice but i did look at the program as a junior in highschool. If he wants engineering UT has an excellent dual degree Architecture and Architectural Engineering. Its a 6 year program. So if Rice is a no UT is one to look at. but

<p>It is a difficult decision. I think he will be accepted if he applys for regular admission. But I am not sure only 25 people for Architcture. We try to convince him to pursue other major. Architecture is a tough major with possible little pay off. It is always a struggle between reality and dream. UT is a good alternative. He might want to get a degree in structure enginnering. And is much cheaper to go to UT. Thank you for advice.</p>