Rising Sophomore at IU Kelley, AMA

Just finished my freshman year at IUB and I’m bored because I’ve been home for a week and my internship doesn’t start until end of May. I used to go on here all the time lol and I feel like there isn’t a lot for IU in terms of insight from students.

I’ll answer any questions and be 100% honest about my experience here so far!! Not a fan of some stuff. I am here on a full scholarship and some other schools probably would have fit me better but here we are haha.

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I’m trying to think right now of some juicy information because I feel like I’m sitting on a lot…one thing is that there are a lot of rising sophomores who cannot register for icore pre req courses because of the overcrowding within Kelley. You basically take the bulk of those courses sophomore year and do icore junior year first semester.

Anyways, I know some people who are waitlisted for 30-40 credits (waitlist spot of 70+) and are only registered for as little as 3 credits. Advisors are telling students they may have to be part-time students next semester. Imagine being OOS and having someone tell you that :flushed: AWKWARD…

The overcrowding is pretty bad, though. They are reportedly going to make the petition process a lot more difficult to combat this in the coming years (I heard this from Kelley advisors) but we’ll see. They want the tuition money so I doubt that will happen tbh.

That’s really helpful information! How does the registration process work? Is it a lottery? If you have advanced standing from APs (say 15 or 30 credit hours to put you a semester or 2 ahead), do you register any earlier? Is there any other way to jump ahead in the registration process?
Did you take Finite? Is it as bad as the rumors? I keep hearing rumors they are going to stop letting students transfer in credit for Finite. Is it worth it to take at home (local community college) over the summer before getting to campus?

@secretslytherin I’d be curious to hear more about your experience! What are you not a fan of? What would you have done differently if you could go back and choose again?

Is there an update to this? Have these students been able to take the classes they need? Seems like a crazy lack of planning on the college’s part.