Room selection DAY

<p>My daughter is so excited about room selection tonight. She has the earlier slot in relation to her roomie. I think she’s feeling a bit of pressure to make a “good” choice. I’m not asking for any advice, suggestions, or otherwise. This process is ALL hers. I’m an idle bystander, who is throughly enjoying, watching this whole college process play out. </p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you participating in room selection tonight and the next few days!</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE ROLL! It’s coming at me like a steamroller. Must admit, I was a bit weepy yesterday when she arrived home from school, cradling her graduation announcements like they were a new puppy. sigh…it’s all so real at this point.</p>

<p>We will be right there with you tonight! I’m beginning to tear up just thinking about it!</p>

<p>My son’s pick day is a week from today. And he still hasn’t decided where he is going to college. (((sigh)))</p>

<p>Just remember that UA is on CENTRAL TIME.
Good luck, everyone!</p>

<p>My D and I watched the room selection videos yet again last night! We have first pick time and she has 3 roomie’s that are hopeful she can get them all in one suite. She is feeling some pressure…and so am I.</p>

<p>She is my baby and I am feeling all the ‘last’s’ that this year is bringing. Is it bad to burst into tears during room selection?? lol</p>

<p>Good luck everyone…may everyone get the room that they are hoping for!</p>

<p>One hour and counting…</p>

<p>my son feeling pressure for his 3 roomates too. And anxious…</p>

<p>I’ll be glad when it’s done!</p>

<p>Hey guys! We’re here in the office tonight until 10pm CST if you need us.</p>

<p>Happy Housing!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Can housing give us any idea of how many rooms in each building have 4 open slots?</p>

<p>Thanks for the info Janine! Hope we don’t need to contact you! LOL</p>

<p>Mission accomplished. Unbelievable sense of relief!</p>

<p>Yay! Son and his three roommates are in RCS-S. We are both so relieved. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Hallaleujah! D and three roommates in RCS-N on the 4th floor! LOTS of 4 person slots available when we logged on at 6pm!</p>

<p>DONE!! RCS-N 3rd floor. all 4 room openings gone in 4 minutes!</p>

<p>What a relief! S and his 3 roommates are in RCS-N. That was a lot of pressure when S had the earliest time and I had to select the room for him. I didn’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t pull all his roommates in the room. When I checked a couple of minutes later, I did not see any rooms available for 4 people.</p>

<p>Congrats to all…now breathe!</p>

<p>Done. Got our first choice! Thanks goodness for early time slot!!</p>

<p>Can’t Breathe! Mysterious roommate has first pick! No word yet! Ahhh!</p>

<p>Update! Breathing now, face horrible shade of puce. Anybody know what floor RCS N Room 0111 would be? Boys can’t find it.</p>