Room Selection

<p>I got a room selection time at 7:30 on May 8th. Do you think there will still be rooms for Tut available? I’m really nervous I won’t get a room in Tutwiler as it is my first choice.</p>

<p>Sorry to bump this but I’m kinda freaking out….</p>

<p>as of right now, there is still space in tutwiler</p>

<p>Elizabeth - Have your mom get on the parents class of 2018 FB page. Several moms there are helping out others who have later times… If you need the exact FB page name, please PM me. Some of us will be available to “check things out” for others from around 6:00 to 8:30 PM Thursday evening.</p>

<p>I really wanted to thank whomever I spoke with at UA Housing yesterday! I called to ask to see if there was anyway my son could tell the class status of the people already in certain rooms because my son was concerned with getting in with three other people who were already upper classman. The UA Housing staff answered there was no way to tell but then she said " you can’t tell but I can" and then proceeded to give me a list or rooms in his preferred buiding that already had three students listed with one bed remaining but where all three students were Freshman. One of those rooms was still available in the evening when my son actually chose and he was able to get into that room. I call that going above and beyond and if that is indicative how things are handled at BAMA then I am very happy about my son’s choice of going 13 hours away to go to BAMA!</p>

<p>Agree with pgddad… UA Housing has been wonderfully responsive to my questions over this last month!! And I asked SEVERAL :)</p>



<p>In our experience, it is. I have not reached out to anyone at the University where I did not get an “above and beyond” response.</p>