Freshman Dorm Selection Tonight: FEEDBACK PLEASE

<p>DD has a 7pm slot, and we would appreciated ANY feedback you all have once you start the process at six.</p>

<p>Especially with availability information regarding dorms/rooms, and</p>

<p>Issues/problems relative to maneuvering through the process.</p>

<p>We have several scenarios ranked and ready, but fear what to do if no rooms are available if we have to resort to the third or fourth solution.</p>

<p>Nerve-wracking, to be sure.</p>

<p>I am even postponing happy hour until the conclusion of room selection…so nervous am I!</p>

<p>DD has a 6:00 time slot as does one of her roommates. Her roommate is going to pull the other three girls in. They want a room in Ridgecrest South because the bathrooms are larger. I will let you know how it goes.</p>

<p>I CAN NOT WAIT!!!</p>

<p>We are soooooooooo excited. The room selection means the DECORATING can commence! Lol</p>

<p>And bathrooms ARE important!</p>

<p>We are anxious here as well. My D has a 7:00 spot and tryng to get a room with 4 spaces in Riverside. Not all girls are honors. Any tips would be approciated.</p>

<p>TXA, what is your #1 choice?</p>

<p>Thinking Ridgecrest East, then Ridgecrest South, then West.</p>

<p>Heck, just need a room with three slots somewhere in Honors…if she gets that, it will be fine.</p>

<p>She has one roommate who will be GDI and we want her to be well placed to stay in an Honors dorm next year…since we “hear” RCS is more freshman, we think she will want to start, and stay, with some upperclassmen…but since the dorms all changed their designations this year, it is all just conjecture.</p>

<p>It took less than 4 mintues to add all four girls. It took longer than normal for the system to load at first, so we were all about to panic. The girls already had several room numbers that they wanted, they chose one, and signed up. Very easy and we are all very glad it is done. :)</p>

<p>Just completed selection - got RCS-N, 2nd floor…not sure how many spots remain, but I wouldn’t postpone Happy Hour - FWIW, my cocktail brought us luck:))</p>

<p>My S and his three roommates got a first floor room in RCS-S, which was their first choice. :D</p>

<p>My S’s time is 6:15 - I am happy to log on then and see what is available. That won’t screw up my S’s assignment, will it?</p>

<p>D just got pulled into roommate’s suite who had 6pm time. She is in RCS-South. There is a video on you tube on the process, it went very quickly.</p>

<p>So how many rooms were showing as available for four roommates?</p>

<p>My son and his new room mates are now in RCS-South tower 4fl. It was their first choice.</p>

<p>AND, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Let the decor be purchased!</p>

<p>lisa6191, you will not screw anything up by looking to see what’s available. Just don’t choose a room.</p>

<p>Oh what a relief it is!!! DS’s suitemate with 6:00 selection time was successful in finding a 4th floor suite for the ‘Big 4’, as they like to refer to themselves, in Ridgecrest South. Couldn’t be happier!!! Does anyone know though how son can now confirm his assignment? They don’t need to log in at their appointed time, will they get an email etc??? (and he had this all done by like 6:05!!! )</p>

<p>Our “lead girl” was only searching for 3 and there were a bunch of spots available… I did not ask if she narrowed it down to only look in one building but I think so. They were all on the phone together for the first time and you’d think they were trying to get concert tickets.
The video did say to have an alternate plan ready - like splitting into pairs if needed.</p>

<p>TXA, when we first started, there were several options, but by the time we finished, there was only one room left on the 2nd floor that had four spaces available.</p>

<p>As of this minute, all four RCS choices have multiple 4-person rooms available. RCS-S has the most.</p>

<p>Your students are sent a confirmation email to their crimson account.</p>