Room selection DAY

<p>As others have posted, students will get a room somewhere on campus, but not necessarily in their preferred building or floor. Honors students will get an honors room.</p>

<p>For returning students, Housing is still hosting off-campus housing fairs and reminding students of their ability to cancel their housing contract for the $225 fee. Should they need more rooms, many returning students, myself included, would be willing to entertain offers of a discounted room at East Edge or another off-campus complex and a full refund of our $250 deposit/application fee.</p>

<p>Ok, so DD might get pulled in on the 24th now if they can find a room for 3. Is it for sure that they will not open any more rooms in RCS-N? and is RCW also full? She will be a science major, so would love to be close to her classes, but I am also thinking she would love to some baking etc?? So I guess that would leave only Lakeside West for her. Is that too far away from everything? She is thinking that RW might be a better location. Would love to hear your views. Thanks!</p>

<p>One more thought, would she be better off trying to go in alone on the 26th in hopes of getting a room in RCS-N??</p>

<p>MemphisGuy- it’s stupid that we are in this situation in the first place. I was fairly certain that he was going to Bama long ago but we wanted to see what other offers he would get. I should have just paid the deposit. I know he will be fine anywhere, he just got started talking to a bunch of guys and got pumped to be with them but I’m sure he will meet lots of new people. I can send him with a tent and they can camp on the quad together. We could save thousands!!!</p>

<p>^^^^D’s apartment has covered parking…I bet she’d let you pitch your tents in her spot some days. I’m sure you’ll find something that will put your minds at ease.:slight_smile: We’re all pulling for you.</p>

<p>JosieP and ProudMama3: This is from another thread.</p>

<p>"If any of your students go through room selection and find that they want an honors space, but cannot find one, please call our main office at 205.348.6676. We’ll want to make sure that we keep a list of students so that as things change a little over the summer, we can accommodate those students as quickly as possible.</p>

<p>Hope this helps! Happy Housing!
Janine Gascoigne"</p>

<p>ProudMama - It does sound like we followed the same trail. I was failry sure that S would be at Bama last fall. But he is not one to make a decision until **ALL DATA **has been collected and reviewed and he didn’t want me to risk any money until he was sure.</p>

<p>No need for you to send a tent for them to camp in on the Quad. S is NMF so his room is paid for… I think that means Bama has to buy the tent !!! :-)</p>

<p>Thanks Cuttlefish. After hearing that there are enough honors rooms for all and then seeing them say something like that implying that maybe in fact there may not be enough honors rooms is disheartening. I imagine some people did pay deposits early just in case and selected rooms just in case and might then change their minds which would open some rooms. I just want to get it over and done with. Too much stress. They also say you have to be in an honors room in order to get in one for next year but they will not say that if you don’t get one this year you could still get one next year because you tried to get one this year. I wish they didn’t do it only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We could get it all over with if they went straight through. I wonder why they do that. The kids on FB are going nuts. I feel bad for them. Kids keep saying everything is full. Others give incorrect info and say they hold rooms back and open more each day. Very frustrating.</p>

<p>Josie: Last night there were no spots for 3 girls in any of the Ridgecrests. Lakeside West still had a few, all were with a staff member. The Riversides still had some 4 spot rooms left. My D chose Lakeside. It is only a 3-5 minute walk to Ridgecrest, so don’t let the distance discourage you.</p>

<p>I am frustrated right along with you Mama. We also waited with the housing deposit, I so wished we would of sent that in months ago! Had no idea things would get so stressful. Yes one minute we hear that they have enough honors and then we see the post from UA housing regarding a possibly list of those wanting to get in. UGH! D is a NMF, so we thought since they were recruiting so hard she would have no issue getting in. Can’t wait for it all to be over so that I can sleep again! D actually did find some possible roommates, but she might have a better chance trying to find a single room somewhere I gues… I just don’t know. Oh well, I have to let go, it’s not in my hands. There is a plan. :slight_smile: Hang in there!</p>

<p>Thanks Yankee. What do you mean staff member? I have a feeling she will end up in the Riversides, guess no baking for our awesome baker girl. :slight_smile: (why can’t housing add Normal stove/ovens to those kitchens??)</p>

<p>It will all work out (says the parent whose son has a room). I have been watching this process each time (had a couple of people ask me to look to see what’s available for them as they had a later pick). There have been different openings (a few) each time. There will also be kids like you see posted here who have changed their mind and upperclassmen who choose not to return to the dorms. Your best bet is to pick the best option when it’s your turn and then log back on when selection time is open to see if you can choose a better option down the road.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you can bake in the convection ovens in the Riversides…you just need to modify the time/temp a bit. (Although I really know nothing about convection ovens!)</p>

<p>I think staff member means RA. I pm’ed you.</p>

<p>I agree with Class2012Mom - just pick the best that is available at the time and you can change later. My son had a 6 p.m. selection time last night. He was looking for one room. RCS-N had a few single rooms available when he first signed in (maybe 6-10) but from whatever Facebook research he could do on those it looked like they were rooms with three sophomores and or staff/RA rooms. He wouldn’t mind rooming with a sophomore but doesn’t want to be the only freshman in a room with three guys that know each other from this year. So he went with a room in Lakeside West with three open spaces - figured the one guy in there was probably a freshman and whoever came in after him would be as well. Then he checked back a few hours later and all the RCS-N singles that were originally there were gone but a new one had popped up. Son was able to determine from Roommate Finder that at least one guy in there was a freshman so he switched over to that room. Switching was easy - just selected the new room and it automatically cancelled the first room. He is going to email the guys in this RCS-N room this weekend - who know - maybe he’ll be switching again next week! Long story short - things do open up…</p>

<p>Hey, do you all know the availability of 4 person honors suites with 2 spots open? I chose my room thursday and pulled one guy in and am in the room with a random and an open spot. Well after talking to the random, I’m hugely weary of the random and he seemed way too bizarre for me and I would like to switch rooms when possible. I had the 8-10 selection time thursday and probably stopped looking around 9 and there still seemed to be plenty of rooms with two spaces open but I never checked at the end. I’m in riverside east now but dont really care which one, I just hope there are a couple rooms with two spots left.</p>

<p>No one can look to see what’s available unless the selection time is open. I don’t remember from last night.</p>

<p>Yeah I knew you couldn’t look now but I was just wondering if anyone had chosen fairly late last night and remembered</p>

<p>Tell the “random” that you’re into devil worship, Polka music, and that you like to eat crackers while sitting naked on the couch. Maybe he’ll transfer out of there instead.</p>

We did look late last night (looking for where some friends ended up) and there were quite a few rooms (for boys) with 2 open spots in Riverside (not sure which one I think North?)
If you get on right at 6:00 on Tuesday and I think you’ll be able to find 2 spots in a different room :)</p>

<p>What are best rooms for women in Ridgecrest East? Are even or odd rooms facing the pond?</p>