Room Selection Schedule

<p>I seem to recall that if you got your deposit in by October 31 last year, you were in the first group to select a dorm room. Is the schedule likely to be the same this year? Anyone know where the cutoff for the next selection group was? How far down the line could you be and still get an honors dorm? We’re trying to decide whether to make a $450 deposit by Monday - D has narrowed her choices to UA and one other school, but won’t hear from the other school for at least a few more months, and even then doesn’t know which one she’ll choose.</p>

<p>I was hoping that I saved that info from last year but apparently not. I would guess that if you deposit by Oct. 31 you would get first or second pick. </p>

<p>You pay the non-refundable enrollment deposit first. Then pay the mostly refundable housing deposit next. It is worth it in my opinion to secure honors housing by depositing early but of course that is your decision. HTH</p>

<p>Thanks! We’re all deposited. I feel like that calls for a Roll Tide.</p>

<p>^ Roll Tide!</p>

<p>You get a Roll Tide from me as well!</p>

<p>I am not sure whether I am going to do the honors program yet, but I am positive that i will be attending UA in the fall of 2012. Is it beneficial to put down the freshman enrollment deposit in October even if you may not be in the honors program?</p>



<p>And you should apply to honors even if you’re not sure. You don’t have to go thru with it, but it’s good to at least have the option.</p>

<p>If you have the stats for honors, the app is easy, acceptance is assured, and there’s no negatives to at least applying.</p>

<p>Besides, getting priority registration is very beneficial!</p>

<p>What is your concern about honors?</p>

<p>I tried searching for the benefits of being in the honors college but I’m having trouble. What are they? Are the honors classes weighted or unweighted? My main concern is taking honors courses and not being able to maintain my GPA at a 3.0 to renew my scholarship. After thinking about it, I feel a bit intimidated of honors courses because I feel as if I’ll be at the lower end of the honors students with my 29 ACT.</p>

<p>Benefits of the HC.</p>

<p>1) priority registration…this is a biggie</p>

<p>2) honors housing (if desired)</p>

<p>3) smaller class sizes in the HC courses (limited to 15 students)</p>

<p>4) The better profs teach the HC classes. </p>

<p>HC classes are not weighted but they are NOT more difficult, so do not fear not being able to maintain your GPA. Honors College classes are more discussion-based and more LAC-like. </p>

<p>Don’t fear the HC. You’ll do fine.</p>

<p>Many honors college instructors will specifically state that they do not want to ruin students’ GPAs; honors classes require a different level of thinking, but are not more difficult.</p>

<p>There is no penalty for dropping out of the Honors College; there are some students who will start out in the Honors College, but choose to drop out after a year or two.</p>

<p>At this point, your ACT score only tells us what scholarship(s) you will receive. Other than that, the vast majority of people at UA could care less about your ACT score.</p>

<p>Unlike high school, honors courses are not weighted and you will only take one or two each semester. Many students look forward to their honors courses due to the discussion-based format and smaller class sizes that allow one to get to know everyone in the class.</p>

<p>*and you will only take one or two each semester. Many students look forward to their honors courses due to the discussion-based format and smaller class sizes that allow one to get to know everyone in the class. *</p>

<p>Very good points!!! :)</p>