Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

No pineapples in our house other than the edible kind. Currently, it is Pineapple IPA by Longboard!!

If there is a pillow on our bed, DH is going to sleep on it. He feels the same way about bedspreads/decorative bed covers.

Oh, to have nice things!

My daughter goes to an SEC school. At move-in, I kid you not, the line of cars to move into dorms was us in a suv, and the rest were u-haul’s and yes, moving vans. People had hired movers to move into dorms. Those pictures look like nearly every dorm. D’s roommate had a very elaborate headboard as did most of them. Dad asked if d wanted him to make her one too. She didn’t. There is a business that sells these shelves for the desks. I jumped out and asked, these are just dorm rooms right? They each don’t get their own building?

@eyemamom Are the headboards padded? I can totally get on board with a padded headboard vs. whacking your head on hard cinderblock walls (which I did a lot in college - might explain some things).

But I’m not getting the shelves for the desks - especially since I only see decorative items in them.

Good grief, how unbelievably RUDE.

Yes the headboards were padded and covered in fabric that would match the bedding and yes, bed skirt. Everyone had their monograms hanging, etc. Entire families were there at move in constructing beds and various things in all the girls rooms. My daughter was having a mini meltdown because she thought she over packed, until she saw everyone else. Her stuff at least fit in our car.

Just wait for the sorority swag. And wait a few months in when the girls are total slobs and don’t keep the room looking magazine fresh.

Those coordinated Southern Living dorm rooms are so not me - or my kids - but I admit a certain fascination with the whole ordeal.

Do students reuse the same decor for all 4 years? So, they coordinate with roommates the first year, at least some of them. What happens if they don’t get along and switch? Do they not match the following years? Do they just spent all that money and discard after one year?

@eyemamom Given how rampant it is as you’ve described it at your daughter’s university, does she worry about fit and finding her group?

She’s a senior and loving it. She did drop her sorority, but she found her people.

I just wanted to say that the title of this thread reads like an inventory list of a small boutique store. :slight_smile:

@SuburbMom, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m sharing your story with my friends tonight over happy hour! :slight_smile: You are right, you will be laughing about this in the future but for now, you have every right to be peeved. I hope your D has a peaceful year with her roommate.

My first college roommate didn’t like the idea that our bedroom furniture wouldn’t be matching (we were sharing a room in an apartment) so without my knowledge, she asked her dad to build us bed frames. Then she asked if we could buy matching comforters. I said no and fortunately, it stopped there. We did get along after that.

I guess it’s what you grew up with. In our family home nothing matched, as we got lots of our things from relatives and had no headboards or matching furniture or decor items. Our current home has some stuff from H’s bachelor days, some stuff from my childhood and some stuff we acquired along the way. Nothing is particularly coordinated but it’s comfortable.

Our S’s condo is much more coordinated. The kids’ living situations in college weren’t coordinated but worked for the kids just fine. My kids would have been puzzled if their room mates wanted to spend effort and $$$ on coordinating decor.

An acquaintance of mine posted move-in photos of her freshman daughter at Ole Miss. As a family they seem low-maintenance, so it surprised me to see the matching padded headboards, etc. I guess it really is a southern thing!

Whenever I see photos of those ultra-decorated rooms I think they look hot and claustrophobic.

I just reread the op, and realized that they had moved their D in the day before and were still there??? In the room???

It takes time to arrange 22 throw pillows and drape those throws just right, @Consolation. :slight_smile:

Might want to send your photos to the Today Show, OP. :). Monogrammed desk chairs???

OMG!!! Just saw the photos of the room. Carpe diem? They seized the room for sure!!!

^$2,000 in “decor”, hundreds more in dorm damage charges for the peel and stick wallpaper and all to end up with a room with dangerously high lofted beds and no place for a visitor to sit. Nah

My D has a single and I thought we went over the top by spending $158.42 on a 5’ chill sack bean bag and $40 on an Ikea bookshelf. Apparently we forgot to bring 20 more pillows and a pineapple.

'^$2,000 in “decor”, hundreds more in dorm damage charges for the peel and stick wallpaper and all to end up with a room with dangerously high lofted beds and no place for a visitor to sit."

Agree about the dangers of those bunks. But look at the before picture. It would take quite a lot of nerve to charge for damage to THAT wall.