Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

^^What, no blow dryers? Our sorority house had to be rewired in the mid-70’s and the biggest drain on power was blow dryers and curling irons. Pop corn poppers got some attention too.

Ah, yes, the air popper! :slight_smile:

My D’s college had suites. 2 bedrooms sharing bath and living room.

We were the totally embarrassing Sanford and Son family arriving on Move In day when, of course, it was a freak 104 degrees in So California. U haul trailer with all of the old family room furniture including sectional couch. Big pickup truck packed to max with God knows what pulling the U Haul trailer.

All 4 girls were very excited decorating their living room but not one person remembered a simple vacuum. It wasn’t on their priority list. They ended up borrowing one from the boy next door on Move In day whose Mother insisted he bring it. I overheard " See Son…I knew that vacuum would come in handy!! To meet girls!" :)) :))

The new TJ Max commercial in my area features a bright yellow pineapple lamp.

“^^What, no blow dryers? Our sorority house had to be rewired in the mid-70’s and the biggest drain on power was blow dryers and curling irons. Pop corn poppers got some attention too.”

Exactly! As a 70s college student i didn’t know a single girl, at least not one in a sorority, who didn’t have a blow dryer! Most also had, curling iron, an air popper. AND , and a STERO that took up more room than all my kids electronics combined!!

But oh, those good old days ( at least how we remember them!!)

Mr. B gave two thumbs up to the vacuum cleaner story! :slight_smile:

I have no recollection of having a blow dryer. I definitely didn’t have a curling iron or a popcorn popper until decades later, nor a vacuum. Stereo, yes. I recall that my father plotted a stop at a Boston-area stereo store on the way to college, where he bought me a stereo with really nice speakers. He brought–and left for me–his old speakers and took the new ones home!

We had no sororities, and I wasn’t much of a girly-girl. :slight_smile:

OK, my roommate and I did have a blow dryer (pictures of the “Farrah” hairstyle to prove it). I did not consider that “electronics”. Our friends down the hallway in the dorm had both a TV and a stereo! So that was the party room where we all hung out.

I use a blow dryer and curling iron every day. I have very straight hair.

Blow dryer, curling iron, Radio Shack cheap stereo. Wind-up Snoopy alarm clock. Manual typewriter (wish I’d saved it!).Rented a small cube fridge on campus for $10/year. Our dorms had a phone in the room. All for $235 a quarter!

Not an air popper–a regular one which could heat up soup too in a pinch. We also had an electric frypan.

I was coming to college from Africa where my parents lived at the time. I had a suitcase and eventually a small footlocker that was a lot of trouble to free from customs. (Also used as a coffee table.) I bought myself an electric typewriter during orientation week.

I owned an electric typewriter (do not even remember how I acquired it). I was a very fast typist and I remember that I always ended up typing all the boy’s term papers all night during finals week for a couple bucks each.

I had a blow dryer AND hot rollers! Oh and my contacts needed this little cooking device thing to sterilize them each night. If there was a power failure, it was my fault.

Going on a tropical vacation and I got a super cute beach bag to bring that features guess what…yup, a giant pineapple!

@SuburbMom I thought of you today and your post when my daughter’s good friend at MIT posted on fb a picture of her sorority class in black cocktail dresses and high heels. Can you guess what each of them had in their hands??? Yes, you guessed correctly- Giant Pineapples!! With the class now holding 26 pineapples, I sure hope they are planning on making fruit salad. Don’t understand the symbolism but pineapples must be the new college thing.

Thanks also for your post, it still makes me laugh.

I think its been about a week now. Just curious if you have checked with your D on whether all that crapola is still in the room? I mean really…when roommate finally goes to bed after cuddling with her stuff on the futon, the pillows and throws need to get pushed off to get into the bed. Does it all get pushed to the floor creating a major obstruction?

Just enjoyed a small bowl of pineapple slices from a fresh pineapple for dessert. :slight_smile:

I got a free giveaway lunch tote from Victoria’s Secret featuring the popular pineapple theme!

This just popped up in my FB news feed! While the room is decorated, I don’t see anything that shows anyone actually lives in the room!