Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

LOL @snowball I can see them giving those pillows on the loveseat the 'ole karate chop on the top :slight_smile:

I know I said I wasn’t going to post any more on this thread, but I know everyone loves a good plot twist and a happy ending

My daughter now owns a pineapple pillow case. With the name of the sorority she pledged on it. I couldn’t resist.

No need to worry about clashing sorority decor - D and her roommate pledged the same house. :slight_smile:

Awww that’s really sweet @SuburbanMom!

OP now has some ideas for holiday shopping!

All’s well that ends well.

Wow, great news! As fun as this thread was, I was anxious to see how things turned out. Now I can sleep at night :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update!!! :slight_smile:

I have missed this thread. Thanks for the update. I am glad that all went well.

When I was a college sophomore, we lived in a suite with two double rooms and a shared bathroom. The furniture was all attached to the walls, so there was no rearranging furniture. My suitemates were both freshmen. A few days after move-in, one of the girls’ father surprised her by having a TREE delivered. It was in a huge planter and actually reached the ceiling! Because of the furniture arrangement, the only place to put it was right in the middle of the room and they had to step around it constantly just to get around in the room. The girl said she just couldn’t get rid of it because Daddy would be so upset when he came to visit her. A few weeks into the school year, there was so much junk laying around that the actual floor was never seen again until move out day. In the meantime, the tree slowly died and shed its leaves all over the place, so by the end of the year, it was just a large pot with a huge pile of sticks in it. I felt bad for the roommate who was a very quiet and shy girl who never complained about anything. Tree-girl only lasted that one year before flunking out and Daddy had her move back home.

 pineapple is the new pumpkin.

My daughter had to decorate a mask in her art class 
 I had to laugh when she decorated it as a pineapple :slight_smile:

Just curious- how did the year end? Did they decide to room together again?

A large ceramic pineapple was the centerpiece at the bnb where we stayed for our daughter’s graduation. Of course I immediately giggled, thinking of this thread. My family wondered what was so funny. Instead of getting into a discussion about overdecorated dorm rooms and pineapple sightings, I just left them wondering.

And then there is the lady on my kids’ parents FB page looking for a cleaning lady for her kids dorm room.

@threebeans, Just. No. Words.

My private dorm had women clean our rooms and change our sheets once a week. :slight_smile:

When my mom lived there, she could have clothes ironed for her.

We had our dorms vacuumed for us and the hallways, bathrooms, and other cleaning done too. Not a scrubbing of our rooms, but more than I was getting at home! On Monday nights we took our sheets down for an ‘exchange’ for clean ones. We did have to remake our beds ourselves.

When I lived in the sorority house, we had a cleaning person, and again it wasn’t a full cleaning and dusting of our rooms, but the vacuuming took the first layer of dirt off the carpets.

No private bathrooms though.

You were all very lucky! I lived in a dorm where we did all the cooking and cleaning (including bathrooms if that was one of your semester chores) in order to get a reduced rate. Cleaning my own dorm room was the least of my issues!

when I saw this bumped up, i was hoping that @SuburbMom was updating on how the year went,

I also want to know how many of the decorative pillows, rugs and accessories made it through the year. Have no idea how the young lady got into her bed at night without having to throw everything down on the floor.