Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

Roommates in college. I remember telling one, sorry, I like the provided blue bedspread and won’t use the purple paisley one she brought for each of us. I tolerated that nude magazine spread (and the other gazillion posters) of Burt Reynolds one hung on her side of the room. I let one hang a frou-frou flowery curtain at the top of the window. I helped my favorite blue (chose room for it) cream for the sake of that purple loving one. I tolerated that refrigerator that took up some of my space but was never offered use of. I did not let myself get sextiled- they needed to find another space instead of me being prevented from using my room.

You don’t need to be friends but you need to get along. Perhaps it was easier back in the day when there were larger families and so many of us had to share a smaller than a dorm room space with a sibling who was so different. I hated when my sister wanted to clutter my half of the shared dresser with her junk- I liked space. At least in college I got my very own spaces.

I had to revive this thread as I just had a pineapple sighting.

To give a little context my office has serious restrictions around any electric device. Basically if the company didn’t give it to you it is not allowed. No coffee cup warmers, no phone chargers, no clock radios, etc. This is an overly protective policy against electrical fires but you learn to live with it and most people break the rule in small ways, most commonly phone chargers and no one bats an eye.

Today I was walking to get some water and noticed a lamp shade in a cube that was out of place, the company doesn’t issue lamps with shades. It caused me to look closer and I see that the lamp itself is a bronze pineapple. I almost fell over. The employee is a new hire, young, female I wondered for a minute if she could have been the daughter from the original dorm room but the ages don’t quite match up.

“I’m sorry, but the Company does not allow tropical fruit lamps.”

This thread caused me to buy a crystal pineapple a few weeks ago in the garage sale section of a garden club’s annual bulb and plant mart. I was minding my own business, selecting my amaryllis bulbs when it called my name. There were five, but I managed to talk myself into only buying one, so I could be a pineapple owner. Someone else snatched up the other four while I was away paying for mine. Yeah, Me!

Still one of the best thread titles ever!


That little gem made its way around my office the day he died. I may or may not still have it saved on my computer hard drive. :slight_smile:

I saw a Pineapple Halloween costume for a dog. It was really cute with a yellow sweater and the hat had a yellow base with a green crown.

Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks of this thread whenever I see a pineapple.

I’m still seeing them everywhere- including pineapples carved instead of pumpkins for Halloween.

DH came home from work yesterday and said several of his team members (women, late 30s) were carving pineapples instead of pumpkins this year. He did NOT understand the highly bemused look on my face!

I always love seeing this thread. I live in FL so I see pineapple stuff everywhere. This purse at Bloomingdales still cracked me up yesterday though - $215 on sale. :))

Is a carved pineapple on your porch a sign that you are a swinger?

Did we ever hear from OP how the year went for the roommates?