Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

Heard this today (not my kid), kid moved into dorm over the weekend and the roommate wallpapered her half of the room. Found it on line - removable wallpaper.

You could get a headache looking at done if these patterns, especially in a small, enclosed space. Plus, dark walls would make a small space seem even smaller.

Have PM’d OP to let her know this thread is active again. Hope she updates us.

And I continue to see pineapple things everywhere. Today, pineapple spreaders at HomeGoods.

I have not read the entire thread; I just read this page & the original post. After reading the original post, I wondered whether the family had just been evicted from their home or apartment.

“And then there is the lady on my kids’ parents FB page looking for a cleaning lady for her kids dorm room.”

This was very common at my daughter’s school. Many of the kids had maid service twice a month in the dorm room. The service was offered by the same company that did laundry service.

I refuse to say whether my mother who also paid for my daughter’s laundry service also engaged cleaning service on the grounds that it could incriminate my kid, me or my mom ( Yeah, probably all 3 of us. Lol).

I actually think that is really cool! However, I think it would be very nice to at least run it by the roommate. Maybe not officially required, but considerate imo.

What are pineapple “spreaders”?

I believe they are butter-knife like utensils that have a decorative pineapple handle. They can be used for dips and appetizers.


I’d imagine soft cheese spreaders, like these:

Lol! As a former ICU cardiology nurse, I interpreted the word “spreader” in a totally different sense. A rib spreader (a kind of retractor) is used to open the chest in open thoracic surgery. That’s what was causing me confusion. There is a tool for cracking open a pineapple other than a knife? :smiley:

I can see it now; the new trend in surgery-pineapple themed rib spreaders! :smiley:

Funny - I think we had pineapple spreaders as a kid (40 years before this current pineapple craze).

The pineapple is a traditional symbol of hospitality, which is why many of us remember pineapple wallpapered dining rooms and to a lesser extent pineapple serving utensils from grandma’s house.

In Seattle, you can Stay Pineapple! :slight_smile:

I just checked into a hotel, and the lamp bases are pineapples. I never knew they were a thing before this thread.

LOL! I was going to call them little knife thingies but looked them up and saw they were called spreaders. I’m dying laughing over alternative interpretations! Also, I may or may not have bought pineapple salt and pepper shakers this summer… :wink: They look like they match my cookie jar.

I love seeing this thread back in the active list. More than a year later and I still can’t walk into a TJ Maxx and not giggle on the inside when I see a pineapple - it happened just a couple days ago. You still can’t go in there without seeing some version of a decorative pineapple. This thread and clam fart are two of my favorites. And when the OP showed pics of the room by changing her profile pic, lol, it was soooo good. Had the best laughs with my two soon to be college daughters over this. For once, they loved something about CC!

Pineapples, the symbol for hospitality has been around a long time. There are a ton of pineapples everywhere these days. gotta say, the removable wall paper is really in right now. It’s really meant for rental property, like apartments where one has to remove everything before moving out. Urban outfitters and Anthropologie have good inventory, but you can get it at Target and Home Depot also. Great for a straight wall.

I hate to admit it but I think of this thread every morning when I take a shower and look at a white ceramic pineapple staring at me from the foot of the tub next to the plastic orchid. I can thank DW and her shopping habits at Home Goods for this classy set-up…