Roommate finder

<p>any alternatives to the UA one? i was hoping it would give more things to distinguish people by… also, why doesnt it tell you what class each person belongs to? they’re probably all freshmen (for 18 & under), but it makes me a little nervous</p>

<p>btw why do so many tennesseans want to go to alabama? that’s a little ironic lol :)</p>

<p>One of the reasons (and RobD can correct me if I’m wrong) a lot of kids from Tennessee want to attend Alabama is scholarship opportunities. I believe that the U. of Tennessee has substantially cut scholarships for NMF.</p>

<p>hmm…if that’s the case, why dont more kids from CA apply? </p>

<p>that said, i saw a crimson tide fan at school today. well at least he was wearing an alabama t-shirt :stuck_out_tongue: …maybe he’s applying? i dont know him though…he might not even be a senior :(</p>

<p>anyways, what are some good roommate finder websites?</p>

<p>I think some kids use Facebook’s roommate finder app.</p>

<p>BTW…when I was at a Calif high school football game this fall, a parent told me that the GC at their school promoted Bama’s scholarship opps to their NMSFs and other high scorers. I personally know one kid who has applied. there probably are others from that school. </p>

<p>Because so few schools in Calif give NMF scholarships, many students aren’t even aware that there are many out there.</p>

<p>hmm i dont seem to find any on facebook…at least ones for college…</p>

<p>Yup! UT significantly cut their NMF scholarships last year; they had a vague “NMFs will get a package” line on their scholly page as opposed to the year before when it was full tuition. The other reason is that we got absolutely no love from UT. None of the top kids at D’s school got more than an invite to their Honors Day (which was underwhelming) and an invitation to the Chancellor’s Honors Program (which D was accepted to.) Even after being invited to CHP, there was no personal attention like UA specializes in. Plus there’s that whole garish orange color. And the Lane Kiffin debacle :)</p>

<p>D was 1 of only 2 from our HS to attend UA, but 3 kids from our church are at UA and D ended up meeting a few other kids from our county. For many TN kids, UA is closer to home than UT-K. </p>

<p>So here’s my two cents about finding a roommate: after completely stressing last year that D had no interest in using the FB roommate finder or the UA roommate finder, and that she decided to just take who she got, everything turned out fine. She’s not BFF’s with her roomies, but no problems either.</p>

<p>how does room selection go if one is randomly paired?</p>

<p>One is not randomly paired unless they choose to live in one of the smaller living learning communities, ie the language houses. You will select the specific bedroom you wish to live in.</p>

<p>The facebook group is University of Alabama Class of 2015. There are a ton of future students on it! I have already met several girls that will be attending next year and each one is super friendly. It’s a great way to have at least a few familiar face before the big move. I even found a roommate already! Check it out; I’m sure you’ll find an awesome roommate on there!</p>

<p>thanks southerngrace!</p>

<p>random question: do you have to pay to use ■■■■■■■■?</p>

<p>I’m not sure. I didn’t use it at all. I just used the discussion board on there and eventually found someone that I really liked.</p>