Roommate packing lists

<p>here are the links:</p>

<p>New link on housing site:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>what to bring/not to bring</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Other items to consider:</p>

<p>Electric outlet splitters which allow more things to be plugged in.</p>

<p>Laundry “delicate items” bags</p>

<p>Clothes line with attached pins</p>

<p>shelf for desktop</p>

<p>playing cards</p>

<p>other board games</p>

<p>favorite books (Potter, Hunger Games, War and Peace, Atlus Shrugged, etc)</p>

<p>Hair catcher for shower drain (for girls)</p>

<p>Dryel or woollite dry cleaning sheets</p>

<p>nail polish remover (good for goo too)</p>

<p>pimple cream</p>

<p>bath mat</p>

<p>matress and pillow allergy/bed bug protectors</p>

<p>black-out curtain</p>

<p>Phone card in case of cell loss</p>

<p>broadband card</p>

<p>computer charger for car</p>

<p>prescription meds and have med prescriptions transferred to local pharmacy</p>

<p>shoe racks</p>


<p>scanner (as part of printer) DD uses the scanner A LOT</p>

<p>printer paper</p>

<p>index cards and rings for flash cards</p>

<p>extra phone charger (we lose these)</p>

<p>several day bags for gym, etc. items along with backpack</p>

<p>glow sticks (the real key to making new friends, trust me) lol</p>



<p>we JUST had this discussion at our house, and are considering finding an extra laptop and extra tablet charger too. They get broken, or have connection problems around here.</p>

<p>Should get easier now that smartphones have gone to the common mini-USB. Now, all you need is an “i” charger and the mini-USB-standardized charger and you’re set. Will be easier to find a compatible charger to borrow now, too.</p>


<p>I put in a call to Housing and left a message with the lady who posts here as UAHousing… Hopefully, she will clarify.</p>

<p>The micro USB charger cords that have a regular USB connector are great. Using electrical tape, I taped one to each of my kids laptop charger cord so that they always have a phone charger with their laptop charger. </p>

<p>Also, I use electric tape to reinforce the joint at the plug. I started doing that when older son ruined his laptop charger (bending/twisting/I don’t know) and it was very difficult and expensive to quickly replace. I also do this with iPad chargers. That wide connector often “breaks” at the connection to the skinny cord.</p>

<p>Electrical tape now comes in colors so you can coordinate colors so to be less obvious.</p>

<p>Can you also please ask for clarification on the cooking items such as toasters (and maybe crock pots)? I don’t have the pdf file in front of me, but I know it specifically stated toasters are allowed but toaster ovens are not. I thought the pdf file also said crock pots were allowed but I am not sure. Anyway, now toasters and crock pots are on the “what not to bring” list.</p>

<p>PDF file…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Coffee makers are allowed.</p>

<p>What Not to Bring
For the safety of all residents, please do not bring the following items. In addition, please remember that you may not plug multiple power strips together, alter smoke detectors, remove door closures, or put excessive furniture in rooms.
:white_medium_square: Hot plates
:white_medium_square: Excessive wall coverings
:white_medium_square: Toasters
:white_medium_square: Candles
:white_medium_square: Electric skillets
:white_medium_square: Incense
:white_medium_square: Deep fryers
:white_medium_square: Halogen lamps
:white_medium_square: Crock pots
:white_medium_square: Multi-plug adapters
:white_medium_square: George Foreman grills
:white_medium_square: Charcoal grill
:white_medium_square: Lofted beds (Collegiate Bed Loft Company will
install a loft in your space before you arrive)</p>


<p>Scratch the Outlet Splitter off my list.</p>

<p>And I would suggest that the nightlite be one that charges in case of a power outage and doubles as a light/flashlight.</p>

<p>I need a fan on to sleep, so you might consider a fan.</p>

<p>Do they take their own towels to the swimming pool? If so, beach towels and suncreen.</p>


<p>Scratch the Outlet Splitter off my list.

<p>Right, but surge protectors are ok…and they essentially do the same thing.</p>

<p>I found the pdf I was referring to. Regarding the toaster and crock pot, the official 25 page housing procedure lists both toasters and crock pots as approved. Personally, I would believe the long legal-like policy over a move-in flyer but I really wish they were both consistent. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You’re right, the lists aren’t consistent. And one has Crock pots as OK…and the other says no Crock pots.</p>

<p>If you have questions about a specific appliance, please contact your Community Director or email us <a href=“”></a> with your question.</p>

blender can opener
food processor
coffee maker
crock pot
electric mixer
small refrigerators*
(2’ x 3’ x 1’-6 cubic feet)
*all rooms & suites are provided a microwave & a refrigerator.</p>

<p>Not Approved
air conditioner (personal)
ceiling fan
deep fat fryer
electric crepe maker
electric fry pan
electric griddle
electric grill
electric hamburger cooker
electric space heater
electric waffle iron
electric wok
fog and smoke machines
halogen bulbs and lamps
hot oil popcorn popper
hot plate
indoor grill or broiler
slow cooker/grill convertible
space heaters
toaster oven
George Foreman Grills</p>

<p>The discrepancy regarding toasters and crock pots has been there for 4+ years. The longer document is correct that both are allowed. Officially there needs to be an automatic shutoff on all appliances, but in the past all [reasonable] types of toasters and crock pots have been fine.</p>

<p>If you read some of the lists closer, it lists a maximum total wattage that could be used at once, something like 1600W. This is obviously old information as most hairdryers, not to mention everything else that’s plugged in, would often exceed that amount when split between 4 people in a suite.</p>

<p>Perfect! Thanks so much - again - for your wealth of information.</p>

<p>FYI…Target has their sturdy, large plastic boxes on sale right now for anyone who needs an economical and convenient way to pack for move in/move out. The heavy duty ones are usually $9.99 each and are now $6.99. They work really well and are both stackable and nestable. They have other items for dorm rooms/apartments on sale now also. Don’t forget a wide shower caddy…there is little room in those showers for two girls to put their shampoos, etc.</p>

<p>I read over the information on the links, and does it really mean that we can’t use the 3M command strips or any kind of adhesive in Riverside? That seems strange.</p>

<p>I LOVE this list of prohibited things for decorating:


<p>Tumbleweed? Really?? So I was thinking that they missed a few things: </p>

peanut shells
dead or live shellfish
wicker furniture
aerosol hair spray
dry ice
pajamas without flame retardant added

<p>LOL vlines!! Love your list.</p>

<p>rocket fuel

<p>vlines, some students might be disappointed that they can’t decorate their room like a roadhouse or biker bar with sawdust and peanut shells on the floor, yet can go green and plant an organic vegetable garden in their dorm room. ;)</p>

<p>mckinna, UA has found that 3M Command products damage the walls of some dorm rooms, yet hasn’t been consistent in announcing this or the fact that toasters and crock pots are permitted.</p>