Rutgers Pharmacy Selectivity?

<p>Is the Pharmacy school really selective? I heard that the acceptance rate is around 10%, but that seems really low...</p>

<p>Does anyone know any average SAT scores and GPAs for the students accepted into the school?</p>

<p>It is 10%, with a lower acceptance rate than many ivies, but that doesn’t mean the the strength of the student body is anywhere near an ivy league school. I think its because you have the option of applying to three schools and many students just check off Pharmacy for the heck of it, lowering the admissions rate.</p>

<p>i don’t think it’s that selective…no offense but some really dumb people from my school always go to rutgers pharm. whether or not they succeed in the program is, of course, a different story. </p>

<p>while it may be easy to get in (compared to some high-ranking private schools), that does not mean it is a bad school in any way.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the stats for the waitlist (rutgers pharmacy)?..
Is there any chance to get accepted?</p>