SAT 2 Literature Mistake... Help?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>So about a month back, I signed up for an SAT 2 in Physics. On the test date I took it, then decided to also take the Literature test just to see how I would do. I didn't prepare at all.</p>

<p>Long story short:
Physics = 800
Literature = 560</p>

<p>I'm obviously not planning to submit the Literature one anywhere. However, some colleges (if not most) require all SAT 1 and SAT 2 scores from all test dates, I believe. Is there anyway I could use Score Choice™ to circumvent that, or am I stuck submitting it? Will it seriously impact my image to a college admissions officer if I must submit it?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Actually, most colleges allow score choice. I can’t think of many that require you to send all of your scores. You must be applying to Yale. If this is the case, yes, you will have to send it. However, I’d recommend taking another subject test if possible, because the schools that don’t require you to send all schools will want to see two good scores. You’ve only got one.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>@oxoxhawja3xoxo Plenty schools require all scores to be sent; it’s not just Yale. Stanford, Duke, Rice, UCB, UPenn, etc., many selective schools in general (but not all, of course). Some distinguish between sending ALL scores vs. sending either ACT w/ writing or SAT + SAT II, but regardless of whatever option you pick, you’re still required to send all test scores that pertain to that particular category.</p>

<p>@constantius Oh yeah, you’re right. I just have a skewed view I guess. I’m applying to 10 schools and 0 of them require you to send all scores all scores. </p>