SAT Essay Please Help Grade

Hi everyone!
Today is my essay day… hoping to practice several ones before tomorrow!
This is my first essay of the day…
Timed: 25 mins… (didn’t quite manage my time well…so I think I did bad…)

Society may limit our actions, but it cannot limit our thoughts. Even if society disapproves of our opinions, we are ultimately free to decide whatever we want. Those decision may, of course, have consequences, but they are still ours to make.

assignment: are we free to make our own choices in life, or are our decision always limited by the rules of society? (argument essay)

Our contemporary society is shaped by the countless great minds who weren’t afraid to challenge the societal rules. In fact, without those brave souls, the world we know today would have not existed. Indeed, limitations and restrictions influence our decision in various ways, but ultimately, the power to make decisions lies within every single one of us.

Several hundreds years ago, there was a group of people labeled by the British society as the rebels. Among these rebels were the very founding fathers of America, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Yet back in their earlier days, they were disapproved, even denied, in every actions they sought. But ultimately they revolted against these disapproves and established the United States of America as we know today.

Indeed, society may limit our actions but not our minds. For instance, the African Americans were severely limited and restricted by the American society in the past. Yet they never ceased their powers to make decisions. And without sacrifices, the Civil Right Movement in the 1950’s would’ve ushered in much later. By no means have the African Americans achieved full equality to this very day, but their determination out wins the disapproves of the society.

Great decision comes with great consequences. Imagine if Dr. King Jr. had forfeited the power to make decision for himself and his people, or if President Washington had surrendered his power to make decisions for himself and his countrymen? Undoubtedly Dr. King Jr. and Washington knew what they were getting into, yet they stuck with it. They chose their life despite the society.

Limitation and restrictions occur on every corner of this planet. Unfortunately, some political activists, right now, may be punished for their actions, but if they stopped advocating for themselves and their countrymen, then the changes will never come. Despite what society thinks, we, ultimately, have the power to make our own choices in life.