SAT scores for Ivy League FA decisions

I am considering applying to a few ivies, but i need a good FA package. I already had a 2270 the last time i took the test, and my superscore after the 2 times was 2300. I heard that to gain more money, a higher score (preferably a 1580-1600) would give me an edge in acceptance and a better FA. Is it true?

No. FA at Ivy League schools is purely need based, and the difference in acceptance chances is minimal.

To get substantial aid at the Ivies…you need to do the following:

  1. Get accepted which is not a slam dunk for anyone. Their generous need based aid is only good for acceoted students.
  2. Have significant financial need. These schools offer need based aid only.

The financial aid departments will not know your test scores. So that isn’t true.

But test scores matter for admissions.

Thanks! That cleared it for me. I’m in no way confident of my chances, but I just want to do as much as I could.

I’ll just carry on w other things then