SAT2 Chem v.s. AP Chem

<p>O.K. so I basically will be getting a 5 on the AP in the next week or 2. (I have taken 3 practice ones and have gotten a 5 on each). In terms of the SAT2 test for chem. what would an AP curriculum leave out that the SAT2 test covers?</p>

<p>For instance. Do you need to have an understanding of enviornmental chem? (which is not covered on the ap test)</p>

<p>All comments appreciated </p>


<p>I’m not entirely familiar with the AP curriculum, but I know that the only environmental chem you’ll need to know is related to acid rain. (Know that oxides of sulfur and nitrogen contribute to the creation of acid rain.)</p>

<p>Take a practice test for free on Sparknotes’ website. If you get around a 600, you’re more than ready for the SAT II (Sparknotes tests are harder than the real thing). You should be fine, though.</p>

<p>I just got a 780 on the blue book chem practice test, and I am completely screwed for AP. So as far as difficulty goes, you’re fine.</p>

<p>Get familiar with the TTCE format.</p>