Scared Senior

<p>Alright, so I'm one of those kids who finally got slapped in the face and realized I need to get somewhere in life. Im scared I wont be accepted to University of Washington, but I am also hopeful.</p>

<p>3.06 GPA</p>

<p>I am in JROTC, key club, FLBA, Boys State, Leadership Academy community service and AP courses 5 to be exact. </p>

<p>I recieved too many awards to list, community service is what I've been doing for the last three and a half years in high school. Soccer, Swimming, Strength Team for ROTC, Tennis. ROTC is a huge factor for me, I know a senior that got in with a 3.2 two AP classes, and like a 1700 SAT score.</p>

<p>Hopefully I get in? what do you think? Tips please.</p>

<p>SAT score? In state resident?</p>

<p>SAT Scores were horrendous, </p>

<p>my first time around I got a 1360 </p>

<p>430 on Critical Reading
450 on Math
480 on Writing</p>

<p>That was back in June, I've been studying ever since daily at SAT tutors. Now on mach tests I get 640 on math and I forgot about the other two. </p>

<p>Yes I am and In state resident.</p>

<p>those stats aren't so great but they are looking past that now. I would look at your record and try to figure out what other qualities you have that make you special. If your community service is a big deal then maybe that.</p>

<p>You have good ECs and course rigor, but the GPA is kind of low. However, I have a friend who went for IB diploma (5-6 IB classes i think) and only had a 3.0 and 1800 SAT and got in. His only EC was like tennis I believe. There is still hope, just do well on the essay.</p>

<p>thanks for all the replies, they really help a lot. </p>

<p>hopefully i can get in. ill just work at it.</p>

<p>I would write a letter talking about how you have realized what you really want now (UW). Maybe have your counselor write about how hard you are working to bring up scores/grades.</p>

<p>write a letter to who? </p>

<p>the application doesnt ask for any side letters. If I could send it to a person who it concerns to, who would it be? It seems like a great idea.</p>

<p>Use the 250 word personal statement on the application to your advantage.</p>

<p>i have a friend who got like 1580 SAT, hmm… good GPA, ok ec(few clubs), rigorous schedule.he got in…</p>

<p>I really appreciate the feedback guys, I turned in my application and now its just a waiting game : ) taking my SAT’s tomorrow and hopefully the many months of studying will pay off!</p>