Schedule for BGR?

<p>Is there a schedule anywhere with details of the various events that will be held during orientation? I know there's a list of events, but it doesn't specify which event is on what day, etc.</p>

<p>I just know they are all optional.</p>

<p>bgr is supposed to be kind of a “surprise”. you’re not supposed to know until you arrive. when you move in for bgr, they will then give you the itinerary for the week. just don’t worry about it, it’s a fun week. and they probably don’t even have to full schedule yet anyway, it’s only april.</p>

<p>Yeah they are all optional and usually they post up the schedule like a few weeks before BGR online. I’m surprised they took down the schedule from last year though. But theres a lot of stuff scheduled for you guys from like 8:30AM-1AM at times. It’s all optional too. However, I HIGHLY recommend going to Meijer Madness and Target Run since they give you free stuff. Not sure if they do both events now since my BGR was in 2008. I wouldn’t know what happened during everything else though since I slept in and hung out with friends I made before coming to Purdue. If you live near other students, try to organize a few events before you get to campus. It helps a lot knowing other people! For example, I met up with a few people in Korea and I hung out all the time with them when we got to campus.</p>

<p>BGR is overkill in my opinion, while its nice to have a week long orientation before classes start. They try cramming too many things into a day. Know when they something is optional it is OPTIONAL. Seriously though, the comedy we got from David Coleman, the date doctor was absolutely hilarious, I have never laughed so much in my life.</p>

<p>I ask because I might be a day or two late for BGR, so I’d like to know what I’m missing out on.</p>

<p>Also, I can’t make it for STAR (I’m an international student, and international airfare is a bit expensive). How else can I get an appointment with an advisor / advice on the courses I should take?</p>

<p>blue_box. you should definitely contact the admissions office about that
you can probably sign up for classes without going to STAR, but you might
be the last one to sign up and there might be not a lot of classes open for you.</p>

<p>Will I be missing out on a lot if I miss the first 2 days of orientation? I’m worried it’ll be very awkward coming after 2 days and trying to make friends when everyone’s already made ‘groups’.</p>

<p>You never really know. Depends on how social your assigned group is too. But you will def. be missing a lot of stuff since your missing the first two days.</p>

<p>I’m not really worried about missing the events. More worried about fitting in.</p>

<p>there are kids who do not even go to bgr, so you should be fine</p>

<p>Going to be the best week of my summer hopefully.</p>