<p>Freshman scheduling is today and I have a few questions. Say you get your first three courses and are looking for a GE elective. If everything you look at has a waitlist, can you waitlist for two or three or four different courses even if you only need one or two more just to make sure you get one. What happens if you get in all of them - do you get an opportunity to say yes or no to getting in and pick what you want - just wondering how the process works.</p>
<p>Second question - for CIT, there is a list of acceptable courses for GE electives on the website and it says it is all inclusive. Are those the only GE electives that you can take? For example, for Humanistics Studies, there is a long list of different history courses, but when you compare to what is offered, there's some not on there such as 79-259 France during WWII. Does that mean that this course or others like this not on the list are not acceptable? With having the very last registration time today, getting into some of these courses is going to be a challenge.</p>
<p>You can waitlist a class and then drop at a later date if you get into another one. I think you can also try signing up for 79-259 (for example) and asking your advisor if it’s ok for you to take to satisfy requirements. I think the course I took wasn’t explicitly listed since humanities classes tend to be offered a little sporadically and at professors’ whims. I recall the depth requirement just being three classes within one department, with at least one of them being 200+ level, so just about any humanities course should fulfill requirements.</p>
<p>The only class I had issues with was Intro to Technical Communications taught by Tom Keating. Apparently because we had to do one spreadsheet it was considered a “technical” class and thus not counted for my non-technical electives credits.</p>
<p>For CIT – 8 GEs</p>
<p>GEs – yes you have to pick 1 each from those categories. And that is the specific list (BTW, SCS and MCS, etc have a different list).</p>
<p>But you also have to fulfill 27 units in a “depth sequence” – more wide open</p>
<p>and then one free for all GE .</p>
<p>You do NOT have to take the stuff on those lists now-- have 3.5 more years.
Find something you like-- b/c I’m assuming you are suffering through Physics II and Diff Equations next semester on top of that.</p>
<p>Pick a GE you enjoy. There’s tons of interesting design, art, and music classes – my D found several she liked over the choices that were required on the list. She’s suffered through the list-- got As in all of them, but the reading amounts assigned were painful with all she had from CIT.</p>
<p>S is also now scratching his head on choice of GEs-- he has a different list entirely.</p>