Scholarship App Question

Hello everyone, on UA website it says that the deadline for scholarships is Dec. 15th, and it says they accept Dec. scores. I am wondering how that works for Dec. scores because scores come back after the deadline. Does
the school know If you are submitting Dec.

It’s fine. You submit that app now, and it your higher dec scores will get you more money, then it will be awarded.

I know it looks weird that way, but that’s the way it works.

Thank you, always amazed by how fast questions are answered here.

If I didn’t qualify in regards to the SAT scores for an automatic scholarship, does this mean I won’t get any scholarship?

What are your stats?

I have an ACT score of 25, an SAT score of 1680, a GPA of 4.0, and did an extra year of high school at a well known boarding school and have a GPA of 3.7. Currently I’m in AP CALC BC, AP stats, English, marine biology, history of Middle East, engineering, creative writing, and pottery 3.

In terms of my ECs I’ve been a varsity athlete for 5 years and was an all state and all conference athlete as well as captain of the team this year. I also volunteer at a local hospital, have a job, and took classes at the nearest university this past summer.

And lastly, I’m majoring in civil engineering

Also, I’m out of state and a female!

The remaining scholarships are competitive, so we don’t know if you’ll get one.

What are your parents saying about how much they’ll pay each year?

What is your home state?

Where else did you apply.

My parents are willing to pay 30,000 and my home state is CT. I also only applied to Alabama and a military academy, but plan on attending alabama regardless.

well, with a $5,500 student loan and some summer savings, your parents’ contribution and standard doubles housing, you may have your costs covered.

Can you work/save over the summer?

For my December sat scores I got a 1320 on math and cr, I know that the website say 1290-1320 for the half and 1330-1390 for the 2/3, but if i contact UA would they change it to the 2/3? If I receive the 2/3 it would pretty much gaurentee UA as my college.

You can always ask, but I don’t think so. There are hundreds of applicants with a 1320, so adjusting all of those to 2/3 would cost a lot of money.

What is your major? Maybe you’ll get other scholarship awards.

It’s accounting

The B school seems to have a good number of scholarships. What is your GPA

Weighted it’s a 3.8 and unweighted a 3.3

Have you visited Bama?

Yeah, and I loved it. However, like molllss, I’m from CT and my parents aren’t crazy about the south and the only way they would let me go is if it’s as much or cheaper than Uconn with travel. They seemed to like UA except for the fact that it’s in Alabama.

How much is UConn? And have you been admitted to UConn?

Uconn is like 27 or 28k a year and my family can afford it, but i haven’t been admitted yet and probably won’t be admitted directly to the business school. I’m fairly confident that I’ll get in because several friends have been admitted with sat scores below 1300 m&cr.

With $28k from parents and $12k from scholarship, you should have most/all of Bama’s costs covered.