Scholarship application for Presidential

<p>Good morning - I did a search, but didn’t find an immediate answer to this question. I was urging DS to fill out his scholarship application - since the tabs have popped up. He has the stats for Presidential, but we didn’t see any box to check in order to apply for that. I know it’s “automatic”, but I assume he still needs to submit the application? Also needs to submit HC application?</p>


<p>He needs to submit the scholarship app. There isn’t anything to check for Presidential. He’ll get it for his stats. Just answer what you can and submit.</p>

<p>He can’t do the HC app til he’s admitted.</p>

<p>Thanks! He’s admitted - at least he shows up as “FAll 2014” on the student tab. No papers yet but they just got his transcript last week. I’ll have him look for the HC application too.</p>

<p>HC link…</p>

<p>Academic Tab…scroll down…left column</p>

<p>I am skeptical of they need to submit the scholarship application for the Presidential! We did it anyway just to be sure, but DD’s unofficial scholarship letter arrived less than 24 hours after we submitted the app. It was dated 4 days before.</p>

That sometimes happens. I would never depend on that, though.</p>

<p>DS has not submitted his scholarship app yet (waiting for Eagle Scout to be complete), but has already received presidential scholarship letter. So it does not appear that the app is required for presidential.</p>

<p>beadymom - if time is of the essence, depending on when Eagle Rank will be achieved, a way to get around this in the app is to state something along these lines: “Eagle Project completed for Eagle Scout rank on <strong>x</strong>; awaiting final Eagle Board of Review” or, if he isn’t that far along, “Eagle Project approved by District/Council and expected to be completed <strong>x</strong>, with Eagle Board to be completed shortly thereafter.” Don’t forget the NESA scholarship apps due Dec 31. Membership to NESA is required beforehand + letters of rec to be gathered for those… PM me if you have questions about NESA scholarships or scholarships in general. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you, aeromom! I’m guessing he’s about 3/4 finished with the project, so hopefully it will be finished within the next two weeks! We’ll just keep watching as the deadline gets closer for the scholarship app and see if we need to word it as you suggested. :)</p>

<p>Wow, how awesome, your boys are Eagle Scouts! You must be so proud! Kudos to your boys for their hard work and dedication!</p>