After receiving scholarship information yesterday, it looks like my kid is going to need something more to keep Marquette competitive on his list. 
Are any of you planning on attending one of the scholarship competition days in February? Even though the odds of winning a scholarship are extremely low, it still seems worth a try. The rest of the day’s itinerary looks interesting, especially since we have only taken a general campus tour (on a day when classes were not in session and many buildings were closed).
If there are any past competitors (or parents of competitors) out there, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and impressions on the exam or on the day in general.
My daughter will be taking the biology exam on Saturday the 13th. My older daughter took the history exam four years ago. From that experience I can tell you that yes, it’s very competitive. Pretty much every kid within easy driving distance from Milwaukee that has been accepted will be there. My daughter is a great history student. Got s 5 on the APUSH test, as did a friend of hers that also took Marquette’s history exam. Neither won the competition. The parent portion is pretty stands. We were in the auditorium and watched a film and heard various speakers discuss the usual topics including financial aide and scholarships. We had already toured the school so I chose to skip that part. There was a buffet lunch provided and I believe a tee shirt given out at the end of the day. Good luck to your son!
Thanks for your input, @luvsgelato!
As your experience has shown, these scholarships surely are very competitive! I’ve read that they have 400-500 competing for the twelve available engineering scholarships. Terrible odds, for sure, but I find it refreshing that they are awarded completely on the basis of performance on the exam, and nothing subjective.
Best of luck to your daughter, as well!
It’s been six years since my oldest son took the test but he did earn one of the engineering scholarships. We were so proud. However this scholarship then wss only $5000 per year. A nice plus but not enough to make Marquette affordable for him. Decide IF your student wins the scholarship if it will make a decision on whether they will attend. If your student will attend no matter what and its not too expensive to take the test, definitely do so. Good luck.
i like to know as well since my S got in as well. Thanks.
My S took the engineering test. He said a lot of kids finished early and left. But he stayed to review his work and thought it helped. Also there is really no preparation needed or available… so don’t sweat it before hand.
Marquette also makes the visit productive by having a lot of events including having students and faculty available on a Friday/Saturday- had a tour of the city, met with faculty during a sit down meal, students did kind of a mini-fair and showed off the things they were working on. Yes, it’s a “soft sell” but we thought it was tastefully done.
my son took the test in Feb, 17, but still no email or letter from M. U. wonder anyone received any?