Scholarship emails = Good sign?

I constantly get emails from UW-Madison with subject lines like “Welcome from UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences- Information About Diversity Programs”

Can this be a good sign? Would they really send scholarship emails out every day if they were only going to reject?

I have been asked to apply for CALS scholarship and the Chancellor / Powers-Knapp Scholarship.


Don’t wait until you are accepted!

I don’t think so… Don’t put too much meaning to the junk mails that you’ve received.

Powers Knapp and Chancellor’s are full tuition scholarships - not “junk mail”.

APPLY. If the senders are addresses, absolutely apply. I applied for the L&S scholarships not expecting much to come out of it, but I ended up receiving a full ride. You can’t win scholarships unless you apply to them!

Full ride? Or was it full tuition?


@Madison85 Full ride! Not sure if I was happier or if my parents were happier about not having to pay tuition/living costs!

PM me the name of the scholarship. I am curious!

@silmaril Congrats, my daughter just received the full ride scholarship also.