Scholarship for admitted students

<p>My D applied in Aug, got accepted 12/7, and just got the letter for Trustee’s scholarship today so it may take a little longer for you (if you have the stats )</p>

<p>Fire - are you OOS or instate? My son is OOS got accepted 12/13 so I’m hoping they are still working on scholarships.</p>

<p>My D is OOS.</p>

<p>I received my admissions decision on dec 7 to Purdue’s engineering program and received a merit scholarship dated on the 18th for 100k. Im pretty sure that they send out scholarship decisions through feb or march.</p>

<p>Congratulations mpcode4! Very cool, $100,000? Did you get your offer via email, letter?
Are you in-state or out-of-state?</p>

<p>Thank you i’m very excited its 25k a year with a maintained 2.75 gpa. They posted it on my online application and sent me a letter. Im out of state (colorado). Its Purdue Emerging Leader Scholarship but i cant find much information about it on their website.</p>

<p>^^ For anyone who’s curious.
I found some stuff from 2009/2010 on some news sites. (If this is the same scholarship) At the time it was called the “Emerging Urban Leaders Scholarship”, was of a lower value, and was awarded to students from urban areas in Indianapolis and to students from Chicago.</p>

<p>Here’s a (more recent?) excerpt from Purdue asking for funding to continue the scholarship:
<a href=“Purdue Marketing and Communications”>Purdue Marketing and Communications;
“A key goal of the scholarship is to boost the number of students from major urban areas near Purdue. A second goal is to increase the number of STEM graduates.”</p>

<p>Of course, maybe that’s changed, since CO is pretty far away. Either way I’m surprised they don’t like to directly advertise it.</p>

<p>Anyway, congrats! :)</p>

<p>mpcode4: I am impressed. I thought you had a typo with the amount!<br>
It will be fun hearing if you earn anything from anywhere else!
I visited Purdue over a year ago, it was our first school visit. Since then I have visited so many schools I do not even remember much. We plan to revisit schools in March when we have a better feel for costs.
Congratulations Again!</p>

<p>That is a very good sum.
My D is offered the Trustee’s Scholarship for $16K a year and I believe that is their top $. They want a 3.0 GPA for renewal as well.</p>

<p>Tvbugg94 I thought it was a typo as well when I first read the letter. LonelyHapax thx for the info I think it may be a similar scholarship or a newer version of it, im not really sure. Anyway thx everyone i hope to see you all attend purdue.</p>

<p>mpcode4, that is pretty impressive, can I ask what your stats are. This has to be one of Purdue’s largest scholarships.</p>

<p>Yea no problem.
Grades: 4.0 uw 4.3 w not including senior year
Tests: act 32 super score 33 no sat did not submit ap tests but 5s on physics c and calc bc
Senior classes: Ap chem, Ap lit, Ap stat, Ap gov, Calc 3 and differential equations
Community service: nhs math tutoring, avid tutoring, and random stuff
Extras: physics club, calc club vp, jv soccer, club soccer, nhs, piano but I don’t think I mentioned that on the application
Work experience: mathnasium tutor, private tutor math and physics
Awards: published essay, ap scholar, science award, other small school based awards
ohh and im part mexican so that may have helped.</p>

<p>Those are good stats but I guess being Hispanic or going into Engineering or coming from an Urban area probably help?
Not meaning to boast but just to give a reference point: My D’s stat is a little better on 4 out of 5 criterias but she is getting a smaller offer.</p>

<p>I think MPCODE has outstanding stats! Very strong math. There are also things that can’t be compared when wondering why someone receives more than another. Like the recommendation/reference letters that we never get to see or our essay’s. How do we know if our essay’s are going to impress, bore, or intrigue the reader.
It really intrigues me how scholarship are granted. I am a little reflective today, first day of 2013, thinking of all the things I should have done to make myself look better on college applications. But I was to busy with sports, study, and friends to do more. I have similar stats as MPCODE4, a little higher ACT, 34, female, engineering (biomedical), half asian, varsity sports, with 22 college credits hrs, volunteered in a Biomedical lab at Washington University in STL, worked the last three summers as a life guard and have not heard a thing about scholarship from any of the 10 top universities I have been accepted to.<br>
My high school is a private, all girls, highly acclaimed college prep. My parents main reason for sending me there was hope there would be more college scholarship money. My EFC is max $20,000. So I need scholarships.</p>

<p>When you said you haven’t heard about scholarship from some top schools, you didn’t say they include Purdue? You can’t compare one school to another.</p>

<p>I was offered admission to Engineering in the College of Engineering for Fall of 2013 on Dec. 7, 2012.
We visited the school in the Fall of 2011. It was my first college visit. After applying to schools this past Oct. I have since found out, from reading CC, that most of the schools I have applied to are very tight on OOS merit scholarships. I felt Purdue was one of my best shots at a scholarship. Just disappointed. I should have done more research on what schools with ABET Accredited engineering programs offered good merit aid.</p>

<p>Fire I think the two biggest components of my application were the amount of community service (well over 100hrs) as well as organizing several charity events for wounded veterans and their families. The next was probably my work experience as a math tutor for an accredited tutoring company over the past few years. Tvbugg I hope you receive scholarship money you sound like a great candidate. Which school are you leaning toward most heavily?</p>

<p>Those are certainly good qualifications. You did a great job.</p>

<p>My D also volunteered at many charity events and 100+hr at a hospital.
She tutored a Junior in her HS in Chem. Played varsity soccer. Joined many clubs including prez of the NHS.
BTW, she has a 4.0 UW GPA, 2270 SAT, close to max out in SAT II, 7 APs with score of all 5, 6 more AP classes in senior yr.
Her teachers love her so the recommendation had to be pretty good. I don’t think her own essays failed her either.
I am boasting a little now but this is just to point out maybe one of the criteria I mentioned above has some bearing on the decisions?</p>

<p>Maybe, but im not in an urban area (i think thats a different scholarship) and as far a minority wise, the female minority is just as highly recruited in the engineering field or science field(is you D doing engineering? because it might be a department based scholarship) in any case those are fantastic stats so im not entirely sure what the criteria were? act vs sat im not sure which they desire more (2270 is roughly between a 32 and a 34) volunteering seems about the same as well. Ap classes 12 vs 13 not a lot of difference there. there might be a difference in core AP classes or which year they were taking idk just speculating. it might be work experience or also I have a large family history at purdue so that may be part of it. Overall i just dont really know it sounds like your D is a awesome student.</p>

<p>My D applied Pre-Pharm or just Lib Arts or Science.
That why I guessed it was the Engr field that made the diff?</p>