Scholarship for admitted students

<p>anyone else get invited for the beering and stamps scholarships? I received a letter yesterday, even though I declined admission because I was accepted ED elsewhere…</p>

<p>Wolf, yes, my son got the Beering and Stamps scholarship
invite. Ha, better chance for him. Congrats to you. Where are you headed?</p>

<p>Fire: yea i guess that must be it. I wish they offered everyone a decent amount of money as even the trustee doesn’t completely cover tuition or i wish they lowered oos tuition. So is purdue you D first choice or are you guys waiting to hear back from other schools?</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing the stats. My son was accepted Purdue Engineering and is also hoping for something in scholarship money. His stats: GPA 3.8 or 3.9 UW - not sure since we only have W, SAT 2140 but ACT 35 (sent both), not as many AP classes through Junior year, but this year is taking AP Stats, Physics, Calc. He played Varsity football (which is a year round commitment) and worked as a lifeguard (year round). Tutored, and other assorted (albeit limited) volunteer work. We sent in his SAT II scores for Math (800) and US Hist (770) but not for Physics (790) because he took that after we applied. His essay I think was good and his recommendations I believe to be good as well, but like its been said who knows. Still hopeful, but not convinced he will get anything. This is his number 1 choice and has been from the start.</p>

<p>mpcode4: Purdue is high on her list, it now comes down to affordability.
palves: Those are good stat, your S should get something. I read somewhere that they are still sending out offers.</p>

<p>@stoccermom I’ll be going to Northwestern. Good luck to your son, I know someone who received a Beering a couple years ago and it’s a sweet deal.</p>

<p>Palves don’t get too discouraged im pretty sure they offer more scholarships than what they advertise on their website and those stats are very good especially if hes is looking to play football at purdue. Also i know they give need based merit money and there are a ton of scholarships to apply for online. They send a majority of their early applicant merit scholarships by late feb so there is still time provided he applied before the 15th.</p>

<p>Thanks for your feedback. He won’t be playing football (he just had ACL surgery), but you never know. Hopefully we will hear something soon. It has been his #1 choice and he does have full tuition scholarship from elsewhere (merit) so its probably going to come down to these 2.</p>

<p>My daughter has also been offered the trustees scholarship. We are OOS and were hoping to be invited to apply to Beering or Stamps as well, or the total cost will most likely still be too high to attend.<br>
Grades: She has 4.0 unweighted, 4.5+ weighted GPA
Test Scores: 36 ACT, 800 Math II, 750 Physics subject tests
AP’s: Spanish, Calc, Econ, Physics, English, US History, Government, Stats, college credit intro Engineering - has score of 5 in all she has completed as junior
ECs: 3 sport varsity athlete, peer minister, tutor, other extracurriculars, coming out of very competitive, all girls high school.<br>
She really, really liked Purdue when we visited and is interested in engineering. We are playing the waiting game to see what she gets at all the other schools she’s applied to as she is the oldest of 4.</p>

<p>Thanks for getting back with me Wolf. Congrats to you! Now that the suspense is over, you can enjoy the rest of your senior year and think ahead to the fall.</p>

<p>Wow - while I thought my son’s stats were pretty impressive, I can see why your kids have already gotten chosen for the Trustees/Presidential scholarships and the Beerings one.</p>

<p>Congrats to all. Still holding out hope. We are OOS and am trying to get this to be competitive from an affordability perspective.</p>

<p>I don’t know ACT or SAT is preferred but a quick comparison between the SAT and ACT from
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>36 1600 2400
35 1560-1590 2340
34 1510-1550 2260
33 1460-1500 2190
32 1410-1450 2130</p>

<p>^Somehow my scores is better with the ACT and yet it was the first time I took it. According to this list I got like “1700” on the ACT compare to my actual 1620 on the SAT. Not much difference but still noticeable.</p>

<p>Just got my letter in the mail today for Beering and Stamps. Dated December 27. I was thinking I had missed it, since last year people were receiving them closer to the 23rd. For anyone who hasn’t gotten one yet: they’re still arriving.</p>

<p>Lonely, I thought you posted that you receive trustee scholarship, is Beering and Stamps on top of Trustee?</p>

<p>Sorry, I’ll be more clear: I got the letter inviting me to apply for Beering and Stamps. I am a Trustees scholar.</p>

<p>If I make Stamps (I have no idea how selective it is), they will match my Trustees scholarship from Purdue and provide up to an additional $10,000 for “activities such as academic conferences, study abroad, or internships.”</p>

<p>Beering is a full ride (tuition, housing, books, etc.) for a bachelor, master, and a Phd/medical degree. And study abroad funding.
Everything I know about the selection for Beering is from here: [Purdue</a> University: Undergraduate Studies Program: Information for Prospective Students: Coursework: Scholarships](<a href=“]Purdue”></p>

<p>Currently, no prospective student has a Beering or Stamps scholarship. What’s being referenced by people on this forum are the invitations to apply for the scholarships.</p>

<p>my daughter is a current freshman. From what I remember reading on CC last year at this time, Beering and Stamps are both very selective. I believe some of those who received the Trustees are invited to apply for these two scholarships. I believe that finalists from this process then get invited to interview. If you look in the archives from last year, there is more information.</p>

<p>Are all of you that have received Trustee Scholarships out of state? How about in state applicants? Anyone received anything?</p>

Son is in-state with decent stats: 3.7UW 12APs 1440/2120 SAT
Still no word on merit aid…</p>

<p>OOS here and no word yet. D is considering Krannert and Kelley. So far Kelley is much more affordable.</p>