Scholarship for admitted students

<p>@ TresHijas
They do not.<br>
However, most NM Finalists would probably be in line for the Trustee or Presidential scholarships.</p>


<p>Thanks for the info. My D did get the Presidential scholarship so she is very grateful and happy about that.</p>

<p>Hi! My son just got notification of the Presidential Scholarship today too! Very nice~10,000 per year for four years! It will be interesting to see what the financial aid package looks like too. Son is a 35 ACT, with a 4.3 uw, oos engineering major. Congrats to all!</p>

<p>Son got notification of Presidential scholarship - letter was dated Feb 8 - received only today(SoCal)</p>

<p>I received Presidential Scholar from Purdue today. The letter is dated Feb 8th. $10,000 annual scholarship up to $40,000. I’m from Southern California. Very excited.
Stats: 2320 SAT, 10 APs, 4.0uw, top 1%.</p>

<p>Are the scholarship notifications complete? Does anyone know if Purdue sends out any scholarship notifications after February?</p>

<p>Hang in there! We thought it was done but got our notice late Feb. ACT 30 SAT 2070, got some Presidential scholarhip, grateful and hope to go there!</p>

<p>I saw someone else got the $25,000 Emerging Urban Leadership Scholarship. I got it as well and can’t find any information on it online. Can someone help me out?</p>