Scholarship Letters Posted

<p>The scholarship is posted under communications, just like the original acceptance. The awards listed there are merit scholarships only; Needs based financial awards have not been posted yet. However, merit awards are guaranteed, FA is not.</p>

<p>Thanks. My D’s stats are very similar to your son’s. She does not have new or pending communications since 11/8/13 though. Oh well…</p>


<p>$14,000 scholarship! And I only had a 30 ACT! </p>

<p>Calmomof3 is there a link to that info? I couldn’t find it online. Thanks.</p>

<p>no…found out from admin officer since letter itself does not even state that it is for 4 years… Can we congrat to your daughter as well? I think we had quite some overlap in college apps</p>

<p>I received a $13,000 President’s Scholarship. :slight_smile: My ACT score is 26 (horrible, I know).</p>

<p>The letter is in the Communication Center when I log into my Cane Link account.</p>

<p>Do they mail them, too? Or just post online?</p>

<p>Nicole, call admissions if you are having trouble logging in maybe they will tell you your award if you have the proper ID. Despite some of the Admissions dysfunction this year they are actually quite nice people. </p>

<p>I received 17,000 for a 2140 SAT, class rank 23/320, and 4.208 W GPA :slight_smile: </p>

<p>13000 scholarship. SAT is only a 1240/1840 but I am in the top 5% of my class with a 4.0 unweighted. Miami was my top choice but I assumed I was not going to receive any merit because of my low SAT so I already committed to another school. Doubt even with need based Miami will be able to match the other school anyway so I’m ok with my decision not to attend. Feel like Miami may have missed out on some other students this year by waiting until the end of march to announce scholarships. Oh well, always have grad school for Miami I guess! good luck to anyone else who hasn’t heard yet!</p>

<p>Am I elegible for scholarships if my application is complete? I didn’t submit my bank letter but got accepted. I’m an international, btw.</p>

<p>I received 15,000 for 2030/1380 SAT and an IB diploma predicted of 35</p>

<p>Calmomof3, Yes, my daughter received a good scholarship and is already enrolled at Miami! She is very excited. Congrats to you as well!</p>

<p>33 ACT, got 18k per year in merit. Didn’t need it, but I’m happy to take it!!</p>